The ultimate yuckiness of drinking, even in 'special circumstances'

I don't like drinking. Alcohol holds no special power of me. It gives me terrible headache and just awful bodily response. I don't get drunk anymore, and when drunkenness does happen it's not worth it. Booze has never, ever, ever been 'worth it'. I will occasionally ritually drink when serving my home-brewed drinks, but it's not really 'drinking' per se.

I drank during NP's wedding last week. I shouldn't have, but they had drinks at the door. It was open bar, and their were fancy drinks available. It was one of my good friends getting married. If there was ever an occasion, that was it. I drank.

It was the worst experience ever. The parts of it that I do remember. I woke up in the morning unaware how I'd gotten to my couch, and when I went to sleep. I was told that puking had happened, I didn't know any of it. Hopefully I wasn't mean and didn't create drama during the wedding. It's unlike me, that didn't happen, but still. And then the hangover. The entirety of the following day my energy was sapped, my motivation nonexistent. My optimism level extremely low.

The third day after the wedding I was still in low mood and mildly depressed. It was only after talking to ED and going on long walk that mood was improved.

Drinking is yuck. It's not good. I don't like it, I don't enjoy it, it's never worth it. Yuck yuck yuck. If there's ever a chemical substance, a cultural artifact that should be removed from existence, it is alcohol.

Good riddance!

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