Coming clean with good ole friends about friendships and admiration

This will be quick for two reasons. First, I'm a bit spent writing about NYC experience and 'post-writing'. Second, one does tend to run out of material that's been stretched to its logical end. The NYC trip and the following writing has taught me that often giving thoughts a few days to 'simmer' before writing and letting them settle down improves their depth. There's one more post after this, and then eight or so reviews, then we're on to regular stuff. Phew. It's gotten boring.

At the wedding party I talked to old classmates from college, and was quite honest about exactly how I felt about them, in a good way. I told my friend S, who's from Missouri that he was a sweet person and his middle-America sensibilities were admirable, and I should have spent more time hanging out with him. It felt a little funny, but who knows if I'll ever see those people again?

Then I took classmate JI out to the side, and told him the inspiration he had been for me. He wasn't the ideal inspiration material. I didn't know anybody more irresponsible and 'out there' in college than JI to be honest. But his choices in certain fields had encouraged me to be more dutiful and hardworking and courageous to take bigger changes. I thanked him for the inspiration and he felt honestly surprised. I'm glad, it's unlikely we'll meet again anyway!

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