The New York heat, Seattle summers, and livability factor

The one thing about Seattle that I appreciate above -- possibly -- every other city in the whole nation is the livability factor. The nature of it all. It's clean, it's green, and it's chill.

The hottest it will ever get here (save for aberrations like 2021) is 'ok I need a fan' weather. The hottest in NYC is 'shit, I'll die without an AC', and it really really is intolerable without AC running all the time. Even their mornings are hot af. Seattle mornings are still quite cool and crisp, actually, and one needs a light blanket even for the warmest of days. I appreciate that. The moderation is wonderful.

The coldest days in Seattle are not too cold. It might snow, but probably not. You can walk out in a thick jacket quite comfortably. The wind chill is absent. In NYC, that's a different story. You'll have weeks of snow on the ground. Your face will freeze, the wind will make you wonder what the hell you're doing.

NYC has no nice nature trails or hiking places nearby. The ones one wants to explore and challenge themselves on are entirely lacking. Seattle is made of those places. As a friend formerly said, living here feels like living in the middle of a national park. Never a truer word was spoken. Living in NYC feels like living outside the exhaust vent of a second-rate rat-infested restaurant.

This is an important factor for me while deciding the future of my life.

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