Failure aversion is not a thing, preserving status quo is, turns out

-Finally completed 'start more than you can finish'
-Found one of the papers in the references to be quite interesting
- 'A psychological law of inertia and the illusion of loss aversion'- by David Gal
-Author argues that most research on 'loss aversion' is inaccurate and insufficient in its explaining power
-Contents the preference to 'status quo' is more fundamental, and loss aversion effect is just an illusion that arises from poorly- designed experiments
-We are not afraid of losing what we have over gaining more, we just don't care to make a decision that changes status quo
-That is seen as 'less risky' option chosen, but people tend to be indifferent
-The problem is to reframe a presumed 'loss aversion' as indifference
-Indifference is probably easier to fix than fear of loss!

-Aug 28 eve, Seattle apt bed

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