Backbay party and Honduran Pastelitos [Friday 6]

Got up at 5.30 am, read up, wrote about the tonne of high-quality dreams I had, cleaned up, walked to Davis. The work was slow and towards the end I didn't really feel like working.

For lunch I had to do several chored -- first mail several packets of titauraa to a friend in upstate  NY (hi IA). Fun but obvious fact, the cost of shipping em titauraas was several times more than the price of them which is fine but what the hell it feels lame sometimes. Then went to UPS to ship the electronic device for warranty support. It felt daunting because I was unsure what was going to happen and I figured it'd take a long time, but went there the person there asked me what helped I needed, I showed him the device that needed to be shipped he took it charged me very few dollars for the packaging and told me I was good to go. What an amazing experience it was, the simplicity of getting things done just like that, left a really good taste in my mouth..

On the way back considered going to Tasty burger for lunch, even stood up in the line it was so so long so just bailed and went to work because I was gonna eat out for dinner anyway. The final few hours of work were oh so long and there was so much distraction I just spent on Github looking at new interesting projects. Headed out of work at 4.45, figured out maybe I'd get some dessert from Trader Joe's or something but the wind was chilly and brutal, so bailed out, and walked to Park St. Since I was at Park St already and the conditions were not favorable for sitting out and chilling in the sun (and the sun was out!!) went into the burger king, got some fries and chilled, wrote one of the posts I published earlier.

Took the red like to Davis, the 94 bus to powderhouse and walked home, buying a couple of tiramisu for dessert later. Rested a bit, changed clothes, with to SS (Phd) and J's house for dinner. We made Honduran Pastellitos and caught up, about future plans and state of our lives. Fun time catching up with folks and seeing how we are all so similar etcetera but still at such different stations in our lives.

At 9.45 ish took a Lyft ride to Back bay at S's apartment. He's the only person we know who lives in Backbay. After like two hours of low-key serious conversations that most people thought was a good idea (making yourself vulnerable in front of people you don't know) and me realizing after what would be an eternity for a normal person that things don't work out your way always and some persons who are admired by some other persons may not have similar opinions about the first persons and perhaps this could be even other persons etcetera which was good to know but also lame sigh which will lead to events on the following day which we will talk about in the following day's journal. We went to N's apartment / hippie-ster commune in Jamaica Plain.

N leaves in what is a Serious Haunted House with a bunch of hippie queer(ish, potentially) persons. More conversations about relationships, people's attitude towards different things, my discovery of things that made me want to leave Boston even more, and other things, but we had a goddamn good time there, we were talking until 2am. Discovered cool things about N one of which was that she appears to be a class traitor which is cool because that's what I aspire to be and I don't know anyone else who's taken steps towards their political beliefs and beliefs about the society that could cause a negative impact in their personal lives for sustained future. Anyway it was cool, the house was creepy haunted as fuck, her roommates are really nice cool people, and we saw the creepiest dankiest coldest attic room in the house before leaving at like 2.30 in the am. Got back home, fell on the bed and had a long restful sleep.

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