Promises of loud revenge

Seema was pissed pissed pissed oh so pissed, she didn't care about the annoying ringringring-ging of the bells so early in the morning, and the loud singing to go with it. Why could they not go to the middle of the fucking forest and just sing their fucking throats out without disturbing anyone, it wasn't so hard to do that was it. Or really more fucking realistically during the day when no one would be disturbed but that wouldn't be so fun honh honh honh maybe that was their entire point to piss the fuck off the folks that didn't do their thing until they just relented and figured if they were going to be woken up early in the hours of morning by some nincompoops might as well have some fun with it and start singing and dancing themselves. Beat them, join them, sing and dance them etcetera.

Who even had the energy to sing and dance so early? It was not as if they'd pumped it up for the whole day had a solid meal couple of drinks cute guys and girls around to dance the music was thumpy and you know just right to swing about and done the disco. It was just... hungry and angry and tired and sleepy middle-aged people with nowhere to go and no lives except their kids who figured it'd be dandy good to just shout their throats out because what could ever go wrong with it. Where the energy came she couldn't figure it out, what was driving those vocal chords, who had the appetite for sizzling and dizzling so early on. Ugh. Maybe they were secretly ravers who didn't go to bed at all and were just ending their after party and the entire thing was just a facade. That would be more believable actually, it would be more logical and human-sounding and not like some random alien robots with no understanding of human behavior or concern for other human beings doing what the fuck they wanted. It was annoying, why couldn't they just...see there were people who were not like them who could have gone to bed late because of reasons beyond their control who might get very sick if they didn't get very much sleep? Nuh uh.

She checked her phone clock. Five am. And it felt like it had been going on for at least two hours already, thought that couldn't be right. She would take revenge one day, upon these buffoons these moronic idiots inconsiderate bastards she would blare out fucking hard rock death metal right on their ears when they least expected it and would be bothered the most. She muttered to herself, thats a promise, a fucking promise you bastards. Whatever it took, all the time and planning it would take, it wouldn't matter because the culmination of all of that would be a revenge upon these spawns of hell for years and years of torture and sleep-deprivation and the resulting illnesses that had been caused. They would be sorry, they would beg her to stop but she wouldn't stop she would put on more and more songs and maybe even force or convince perhaps force sounded a little weird in that context them to dance and pretend to enjoy all of that. They would see. They would reap what they had sown.

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