Return to Boston [Friday 28 Feb]

Began my journey at 2am Kathmandu time at TIA on Friday, 6 hours later landed in Doha. The plane was crappy, the meals were surprisingly good. After an hour and half at Doha -- the checkin area didn't have a restroom -- got into a 13-hour flight to Boston where I tried really hard to fall asleep so I could get my timetable in order.

The food was good, again, though they kept mistaking my vegetarian request for vegan, I didn't mind. Watched a tonne of movies, couple of episodes of The Good Place and some other shows. The aircraft didn't have enough restrooms, so it was always a several-minute long wait for the loo. Everyone seemed to be desperate too. I've complained about airplane rides being awful, but this was surprisingly tolerable. Perhaps it was my coworker KB's neck pillow, but I had no backache or any musculature issues.

Landed at Boston PM local time, spent like 20 mins at the immigration line, the immigration processing was shockingly quick, the border agent didn't even ask for my supporting documents, the passport with my newly-stamped was all I gave him and in I went. Took a couple of minutes at the aisle -- I was afraid that I'd forgotten what my luggage looked like but it was fine in the end. Spent several frustrating moments going to the rideshare place, and ordering different rides, but the ride home was relaxing.

After getting home tried really really hard to not sleep to not mess up my sleep schedule which worked until like 6PM but unfortunately my body couldn't take it anymore and I slept till 9.30. Quite soundly too and that was surprising because there was a raucous.

There was a party in our apartment in celebration of roommate PK's birthday, friend SS (harvard, law researcher) and there was something else which I don't remember. Friends from all the various groups were over, and I spent the next many hours talking, chilling, catching up and generally having fun. Talked to SS (the crush) about what was happening, talked to a bunch of folks about my upcoming Singapore plans, got caught up with people's stories, and plans for the next week were made (not followed through).

Also met a couple of annoying people who I'd never seen before. Funny thing, when we were comparing notes after the party, my roommates found those people annoying too but for vastly different reasons.

Ended up going to bed at 3AM.

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