Jetlag recovery [Saturday 29 Feb]

In retrospect I should have spent the leap day better. There's been so many great episodes of comedy tv shoes about leap day that it should be a festival in its own right (I'm thinking 30 rock here). Time to party for people for people who find the St. Patrick's day celebrations a bit much.

Alas. It was not to be.

The entire day I was in bed either sleeping or trying to sleep. Didn't even see the roommates or BisBro who was hear to see my roommates from Canada. Listened to a couple of podcasts, but mostly slept and tried sleeping. Maybe I ate something, I don't remember, most definitely ate some chocolates and nuts. Was too full from cake and dinner from the Friday evening so ate nothing else that was substantial.

Spent like 3 hours talking to PA which was by far the most productive thing I did. She says she doesn't care about productivity etcetera and just likes to chill but it's hard to buy that for some reason, specially when it's coming from someone so accomplished so early on. We talked about histories and how her real-life stories are already enough to fill three very captivating funny romcom books targeted at young adults mostly but really anyone would find them a fun read. She said she's been maintaining daily journals for the last fifteen years and she could just publish them. There went my chance to get some interesting writing done by stealing other people's life stories. Sigh. At least I'll come to be known as a fun writer's friend, so that's that...

She has an incredibly well-located apartment in a very expensive city on a very happening city, fun roommates, and things are in order it seems. Is the grass always greener on the other side, or is there any grass that's factually objectively greener? I wonder.

Don't remember anything from that day. Honestly, that's about as much as it happened anyway.

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