Longer brighter days hurrah hurrah

Days are longer warmer brighter now that summer time is here! No more urgency to go home, no more fear of the dark the lack of light gloom, so much time to do so many things now! Spent wasted an hour right now walking around downtown for no good reason other than to bask in the light and appreciate that it's summer dammit! We're back and we're gonna rock!

It's 6.35 in the evening I'm on the bridge above the Charles and it's still quite bright outside, a solid hour of sunlight at least. The economy is still in the dumps -- it started today to begin with, the dump -- and the threat of pandemic hangs over our heads precariously and this is the silver lining in the dark clouds of future. SUMMER IS HERE! Brightness is here, activities are here chilling out is here, plant season is here, love is here. There should be a Spring festival that celebrates the end of winter and the incoming of summer somewhere in mid march. Like the ides of march should be celebrated (or at patty's) as a Spring festival!

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