You're going to be annoyed, it's going to be great okay

I'll be doing an insane burst of posts for the next several of days to the point that you the reader who have nothing else to do but read my blog posts -- and mind you, this is already a species by itself in terms of tolerating some real bullshit -- will start getting annoyed and impatient because really, I have ten days and a hundred posts, and it's unlikely I'll  be able to cover it all up fair and square so I'm going to do what every person should do I think. When you can't full-ass things, half-ass them as far as you can, and then pretend that was your full-ass, that you're open to improving and please please guys you need to be taken seriously okay? Etcetera. It's going to be great people. Every post is going to be a line or two, I want to make a post at least as long as a tweet but honestly in the time of pandemic even that's too much to ask from me, so don't worry and just go along. Take a glass of cold water, a tab of medicine (the chill pill as they say) and let it take over you. Things are going to be fine, just fine, you're worrying for no good reason, and if the only entertainment for you in these uncertain times is some dude's personal blog journal thing then so be it.

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