Beanburrito and laziness [Tueday 10]

Got up late for some reason, was late-ish to leave home, took the 101, the orange and the green lines, somehow everything lined up perfectly so reached home at a pretty reasonable time.

Work was slow and the usual, had a conversation with a person from HR in the evening, talked a bunch to AD on office chat, realized I'm actually maxing out by 401K when I thought I wasn't actually paying anything and that I'm 15% down. Had two apples and peanut-butter for lunch.

Listened to a tonne of different podcasts, it was a really productive day podcast wise actually. Lots of Conan shows I hadn't listened to, couple of food shows, and other shows that I don't remember but distinctly remember listening. Left work fifteen minutes later than usual because I wanted to finish the 1k words a day thing.

Took the red line, walked from Davis, such a pleasant walk the weather's incredible, thought about fun things, made me smile, had a good time, almost to negate the shit of the train commute and the whole day. Super hungry when I got home, made myself dinner.

Cooked onion and pepper for like half hour, added taco seasoning, green beans and kidney beans from can, let everything cook for like half hour, added onion, lots of butter. Warmed some tortillas, grated some Irish cheddar, added my old green sauce that I made like six months ago, and while I won't say it was the greatest thing in the world -- the taco seasoning is really weird and I don't like it, it was a solid dinner, I ate two of those and I was really really full.

Drank corona with lime because why not. Since we were talking about it all the time, and I did want some sour lime in my drink. First drink drink in a long time.

Perhaps it was the corona talk or the beer, but didn't feel very productive, kept watching the office and looking up news with all the roommates first, and then all by myself once everyone went to their rooms. Talked to friend-of-house ND in the evening, before going to bed. Easy going to bed such a nice sleep.

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