The haunted house in Forest Hills

This is about the haunted house from the previous journal post.

I felt a little unsettled as soon as I entered the house. The color scheme was... old-style(?) creepy(?) old-timey? Quite unsettling really. And the bulbs were on the walls on the sides so they cast long creepy shadows at night, you can see someone's shadows way before you see them. That's a little unsettling. The strangest thing about the house was it seemed to be in a strange place because there was a lot of detectable magnetic flux within the house. That is, if you put your compass in the house, it would just like start flipping about. Which is unlikely to have been caused by ghosts, and likely due to some strong B-field generators (electrical transformers, train electrics, etcetera), still something I hadn't seen before at was unsettling.

N told us about the history of the house. It used to be a B&B until about a decade ago, for families of folks who live in the Nursing homes nearby. There's apparently a LOT of nursing homes nearby. It's said that the souls(!) of the folks from the Nursing homes decided to chill around the place where they saw their families for the last time. Apparently everyone's aware of the supernatural aspect of the house and the landlord's had a tough time getting to sell the house or disposing of it in anyway. But the inhabitants of the house have kinda settled into it and got the spirit of it to grudgingly accept them.

Apparently every time they've tried to get rid of the big old piano that's broken in the living room out of the house, something's bad happened. It's cursed they say and they've given up on doing anything to it. Piano tuners have come and gone, unable to identify what exactly is wrong with it or if it could be fixed. They've learned to live with the piano, just as the house has learned to grudgingly live with them.

There have been many stories of the house rejecting friends or guests or partners of the residents. N said she felt the spirit of the house was more protective of its residents and was trying to keep them safe from persons it felt didn't give off good vibe.

At the end of the night we went to see this tiny guest bedroom in the attic which was hella colder than the rest of the floor, and musty and felt...creepier than everything else? We were freaked out tbh, particularly PK who's already afraid of ghost movies etcetera so a live interaction with a creepy residence was as much as he could take.

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