Hiking and (no) momo Party [Saturday 21]

Got up at 8 yesterday morning, and tried unsuccessfully for the next two hours to go back to sleep. Hiking plans with HK kept getting moved forward until 11.30, so I was ready by 11.45, but he got in earlier than that, so there was a bit of rushing.

We drove to the Fells, and walked around that area. A hike is such a great way to catch up with people, because if you go out to eat, or just hang out at some place, you either 1) are bored and want to make an escape, because there's nothing better to do, or 2) are the target of such previously-mentioned escape, and feel bad about yourself because you couldn't keep your guest well-entertained. With hiking, both the problems solve themselves because 1) you don't need to keep someone entertained because hiking is an activity anyway happening in the background that keeps everyone entertained, and 2) you don't get bored because again, this activity is what you came in to do, and you're doing it an enjoying it. It's such a great way to catch up with someone. I guess walks are the same, but they're less interesting, so there's something that's lacking. Another thing: how do you handle walks and hikes in the winter? You can definitely do it upto December, but the following months are way, way too snowy and cold to do that.

In any case, had a solid hike with HK. We talked about his new job, his opinion on healthcare in America and how it could be improved (he has somewhat of an interesting opinion because he's worked for insurers as well as vendors insurers pay money to), and how interests could be aligned to actually improve public health. At that point, we agreed the sort of ideal public-facing healthcare we were talking about (that mostly already exists for 65+ people in Florida apparently) is mostly science fiction and fantasy, and was unlikely to ever happen in America due to vested interests. We talked about how intense hikes they took him and his scout troops to, and families and their preferences for their children's partners. I shared with him the work I'd been doing recently to improve myself, and he was happy I shared those with him. He wants to explore music more, but hasn't gotten around to it yet. I also almost convinced him to buy a bike, and I wouldn't be surprised if he got one really soon and started biking everywhere because he's that kind of person, and also in probably the best physical shape as anyone I know. Also got caught up on the AA friends from college through him, and I'm glad everyone's doing well.

For the last half hour, we were effectively lost because there were multiple parking lots on the side of the park, and we kept on going to the nearest one, until we realized that the one we had parked in was the one furthest away from us. It was actually quite tiring for this part because we were walking pointlessly and it was annoying to have so many false starts. We were truly relieved when we got to the right parking lot -- our fourth one.

We planned to go on a swim after to the mystic lakes, but I was actually quite quite tired, and HK seemed distracted too (we must have missed at least 10 different turns, and took the wrong abouts in the roundabouts about half the time). We went to the lake after collecting towels from my place, and ended up parking in the wrong spot. HK suggested we call it a day, and I agreed. Back home, I let him try all the things I'd been working on, and he probably wasn't being polite when he appreciated the various brews and asked for second helpings!

Back from the lakes, I rested for maybe 20 minutes before I got ready for the momo party for the evening. I took my bottles of Kombucha (half of one bottle among the three I took in were consumed, and I'm not complaining because it didn't seem like an appreciative crowd) and my roommates bought booze. My other roommate -- the one with the car -- took corn-hole equipment to the place. Our friend J's place is up in oak grove, right next to the Fells, and it's got a large back yard. We played the 'hole, and ate cheese plate and grapes and zucchini breads that A&A had brought. A has started driving again, so everyone was very happy because now he can drive people around. Since there was no vegetarian momo, I filled myself on the appetizers, and honestly probably had just as good time as I would have had.

I danced by myself a bit when everyone was wrapping the momos (my take on momo parties: overrated but I understand why they exist, and I don't have any fundamental problems with it) -- they were chicken and didn't want to touch them. SS turned up late -- she had spent the day mostly searching for three succulents for her house, always a good reason to make fun of people -- and was a little intimidated by all the new face. I told her I too knew only about five people there, and had no clue who the other fifteen were.

There were two long and drawn out games of mafia that everyone enjoyed. SM is improving as the showrunner. It was more fun than I imagined, but part of that may have been due to me exchanging my interesting cards with anyone who would care to have one. At the end, when we were about to leave, I had a couple of people try the kombucha, and they seemed to like it.

We took the orange line to assembly with SS who took the orange and the green lines back home, and took lyft home. Went to bed at 2 in the morning. I need to get better with that.

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