Powdered flavor [Monday 9]

In the morning spent too much time writing, and ended up leaving late for work. Fortunately -- I guess -- the entire system was gummed up and my bus was so late, it filled up pretty quick. So it didn't stop for the later stops, and we made it to Sullivan much earlier than we otherwise would have been. At work, I began working on a tool to automate 'touch changing' all the repos in our service mesh, so I don't have to make small changes to a tonne of different repositories.

Left work ten minutes earlier than usual, and got a haircut and the barber in Teele square. For the first time ever, in my nine years of living in this area, the shop was empty, and I got a nice trim with a fade in the middle. Roommates have appreciated it, not sure how the general populace is going to think of it.

After I got back home at about six, I worked a bunch on the albums -- the photo update thing was yet complete. Then powdered my tomatoes for the flavoring, so this week I have powdered tomato, ginger and habanero to flavor my 'booch, as well as crumbled bananas and plums. Banana and plums are way, wayy to sweet, when you dehydrate them the sugar caramelizes a bit, so it's really difficult to have it absolutely crispy and powdered as a result. No matter, I don't down the crumbled version is going to be as good. Then finished the job with the soybeans -- I'm starting to sprout them, so removed them from the soaking bowl and put them in my sprouter. The sprouts need special care -- changing water twice, even thrice in a day, but it's not too much of a work by itself. I cooked my remaining mustard greens cooked in butter with my savory oats -- it disturbed my stomach a bit, have to identify if it was the spiciness, the super-fattiness, or perhaps less than ideal refrigerated greens that did it.

I had planned on working on my rice wine or oyster mushrooms in the evening, but things didn't work out as planned. I called family and friends, and spent couple of hours talking to A from Seattle. As I mentioned the other day, about ten of my good friends are assembling in Seattle this weekend for fun and chill activities, and everyone's working towards that. I'm kind of jealous, but considering I have plans for pretty much every  month till february, when I have the Big One, I'm not tooo sad about that.

I had figured that my this time -- a round of youtubing and tv-watching later, I was spent, and would have to consider resting, but my disciplined self reminded me to do the right thing, and out I went on a run around the block. After I got back, I started working on yesterday's post. Pretty clearly I was so tired and sleepy I uhh zoned out in the final couple of sentences there (read previous post for reference). Regardless, it was a pretty sound sleep.

The dreams I had this morning were a bit too intense and realistic for me (it was sort of a weird combo of international spy-chase and comedy, but also 'values-driven', where the protagonist, probably me but unlikely so, truly believes whatever stupid international protecting they're doing.). Still, something to think about. I'll be boxing the time I spend on these posts to 15 minutes going onwards from today so that this doesn't take up  my entire morning and fuck up the rest of the morning/day.

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