Music presentation [Wednesday 25]

Just as I said commute had become so regular it was not worth talking about, it got pretty irregular. It's definitely worth talking about. Yesterday morning roommate Pr and I got to the Sullivan station already pretty late (101 was excruciatingly slow -- we waited for 4 light changes at O Brien highway crossing). We figured at least we'd get into the trains, not heeding warnings of our other roommate B who had gotten in thirty minutes ago and had warned the train situation was pretty bad. The crowd at the station itself was pretty scary -- several layers and layers of people waiting for the train. If the train came in empty-ish, we'd make it we figured. The train came in as packed as ever, and barely anyone at Sullivan got in. The next train was nine minutes away and the train to the other direction was a minute away. We figured if we went to the other station for a stop or two, we might make it. So we took the train to the station over at Assembly station. After waiting for a solid five minutes for the train there, we realized it was just as packed and hard to get in there too -- this is the second train we missed -- so we figured we might go in a couple of stops. We got in yet another train to the other direction, and in a few stops saw two trains go in the other direction, one of them quite empty. Just as we were about to get to the last stop of the wrong end, we saw yet another train miss us by a few moments. We stayed around in the train we were in, and it eventually turned around and we were finally on our way. We were 30/35 minutes late, but at least most of it had been due to our own choice to explore the options, so it wasn't awful. On the way, we saw that Assembly and Sullivan stations were still pretty bad and people could still barely get in, so we felt pretty good about our choices.

In all this confusion and hullabaloo I had gotten pretty hungry. Also remember that I hadn't really had a dinner the evening before, since I'd been so hooked to The Good Place. I got a large breakfast sandwich at work [added tomatoes this time. They should really name that sandwich after me, considering how consistent I'm in getting it, and the fact that it's probably one of the more efficient protein to price combos without meat]. So when it was lunch, I was pretty full, so I didn't get anything to eat.

My sleep debt was still not completely paid, so by the end of the day, I was still pretty tired and my heart was still beating rather too fast for my comfort. On the way back, I stopped at Kendall and brought an expensive tiny box of raspberries and couple of fruits (averaged out to 1$ a fruit -- while I do support local farmers, I'm not sure I'm completely down for really expensive berries. Not into berries enough to be worth it), and went to building 32 (the stata building) to attend a talk by a Nepali speaker. He's the head of KU's music department, and the talk was on renovating the temple at Tripureshwar and using it as a venue for the University's music department, as well as organizing more musical events there.

The talk and the socializing after (the young bhais and bahinis at MIT and their friends are always fun) was quite refreshing, and I gave the plastic I had my fruits in to a Humfrey fellow who had a 9-year-old daughter waiting for her at her apartment. The dinner was excellent: I really enjoyed filling up on the pita, falafel, hummus, tahini, cheeses, Mediterranean chips, grapes, etcetera, that they had there. The young'uns were going to go for dinner after [someone there had been offered a rather hefty moving bonus from Oracle for moving five blocks on an uber], but prabhu and I declined, because *pats at stomach*. Sbk and I talked about our Saturday plans, and it's getting likelier I'll go to Mt. Washington in addition to attending my friend A's housewarming, for which I might get in too late.

Back home, I was so tired I passed out for an hour without getting a chance to settle down. I tried moving my evening schedule up so I'd get more sleep, but didn't get it too far ahead -- still, a lot better than nothing. The sleep was quite restful, once I did fall asleep, and this morning I feel refreshed, though perhaps not yet a hundred percent satisfied with the sleep satisfaction. Need to sleep more this evening.

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