The Khyaak eats

Noo you cannot get away from this anyhow, if you're incompetent, you'll just suffer for all the eternity before you complete your task, the Khyaak hissed at Haka.

He took a long breath. He realized him claiming incompetence could have also been a ruse only after he'd earnestly made the argument that he was not a good agent for evil due to his incompetence. It didn't matter anyway now, since the Khyaak didn't care for it. He was surprised how fear was not the major emotion inside him -- no, it was...nervousness. Am I nervous, he asked himself, that I won't be able to complete the Khyaak's tasks?, he asked himself, slightly confused.

Yesss, that's what I expected from you. First, I need some food. Human food, the food you eat. I'm hungry, very hungry. I haven't eaten proper Kathmandu food in who knows how many years. Bring me food, bring me food from the kitchen now, he said barking at Haka.

Whaa--whaa-whaat d-do you w-waant? Can I bring anything? I don't know h-how to cook well, I do not have too many things in my fridge, I'll bring everything I have in the fridge, Haka stumbled, unable to think or plan. He ran off to the kitchen and grabbed every piece of cooked food he found in here. A ricecooker full of rice four days old. A container of jellied dal, the age of which he didn't remember anymore. A container of pickles that was about to finish. A large bowl of undercooked cauliflower that no one had eaten because it was undercooked, but he didn't have the heart for throwing away. A 'scrambled egg' experiment that had gone very wrong, and looked like an amorphous blog no one had dared to touch. He brought all of these to the room, and laid on the floor.

The Khyaak jumped down from its perch on the ceiling, and eyed the food. Good, good, this looks like good food. Ohhh eggs, my favourite food! Dal! Rice! Good, good, you have done well, it said, looking very happy. It said down cross legged, and as it did so its hair seemed to almost stand upright. It dug into the food. It swallowed the four-egg concoction in one gulp, and burped loudly. It looked rather proud at itself. It chomped through the cauliflower, mindless of its flavor or texture. It cleared out all the other plates, to the last grain, and licked the plates clean.

As the Khyaak lays on Haka's bed, poking its teeth with sharp tails of its hand while it massaged its remarkably inflated potbelly with other, it said, You have done well, I'm happy at how you have served me. I am convinced you are the right person to do my bidding. However, since I am impressed by how well you have served me, I will make it easy for you. I will come assist you in times of greatest need when you absolutely need me to complete your tasks. Since failing to complete any of the tasks I assign you will forever condemn you to hell for a thousand lives, I will have you be spared of that fate, if you keep up your good ways. But beware, That I'm to assist you in no way means you are to slack off in your tasks, for the tasks are still yours, and I will still punish you and torture you. That you will be saved from the darkest wraths of the hell won't mean you will be spared from the wrath of the Khyaak. Understand?, the Khyaak said, growling like an angry dog.

Y-yyes, i got the opportunity to provide y-youu, thank you so much, I'm verry hhapppy-y, thank you. Your blessings will make me another man, and I will not take advantage of you. The kkhyak's kindness, generosity will be remembered by humanity forever, thank you, O generous one, I'm humbled and honored by you, Haka said, bowing down. When he looked up, the Khyaak was gone. It had left behind only a greenish cloud of very pungent fart that took Haka several hours to clear.

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