Fairwell, coworker, and the raspi[Thursday 19]

The morning commute was pretty bad in all forms, and all the buses and trains were late and outrageously full. Work was very busy, and I didn't get any time to write at work at all. In addition to that, I woke up quite a bit later than usual, because my alarm didn't go off/I didn't remember the alarm going off. My roommate's alarm didn't go off either, and I considered the possibility of it being some sort of global/Google conspiracy on the part of phonemakers to measure the impact of the entire world being late due to their failed alarm. Didn't take the morning vitamins because was still fasting technically, and didn't want strong vitamins on an empty stomach.

Lunch was a feast. An external team was training our space, and they had ordered enough for 40 people, where there were only 16 trainees. I gorged so much on the Greek food, I was pretty full until dinner. We talked about stolen bikes and workouts and China over lunch. There was a fair-well for a beloved coworker, and we talked for 45 minutes generally, about the rise of hard cider, how you can carbonate anything if you really put your heart in it, bad/good food ideas, and various other topics that may or may not be related to our coworker. Again, it was one of the busier days, and I had very little free time. I might be in trouble with one of the teams I volunteered for, because I don't attend their meetings anymore -- they have way too many meetings for meetings for meetings, so I need to clear the air today.

Felt pretty bad after getting back home for not writing much, and tried to start up my trusty old raspberry pi, so I could get automated journal templates created for every day. I spent maybe three hours trying to set it up and get it connected to wifi, but all in vain. I've done everything I've ever tried yet to set up the wifi, but it hasn't showed any signs of working yet. I'm worried it might be dead forever. Regardless, that made me even more self-conscious and concerned about why I had wasted so much time in not writing anything. And I didn't end up making rice-wine as I had originally planned to. I went on a quick run, too a quick shower, and wrote up yesterday's piece on the Khyaak. By now P my roommate was here from his college alumni fundraising event, and we tried figuring out if our sick roommate was home yet. As it turns out, he had always been home sleeping, it was just that the other two of us didn't know, because he had been sleeping. Did five proper pushups, and did my core burrn! Later in the evening before going to bed, I tried writing something again. Read a tonne of old posts here for inspiration. Wasn't very inspired. Paused to think about what would be a good topic to write, didn't come up with anything good, except perhaps a workable idea for the bad novel in October. In the end, I just gave up -- two posts a day are good enough I figured. Went to bed listening to MDWAP.

Mushroom is coming up really well, and I finally completed the templated daily checklist for personal well-being that goes into my journal. I can hear my roommate humming songs, so it's fair to say he's well this morning. I need to fight the cold and darkness better if I want to maintain this burst of discipline and self-motivation.

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