
His name meant destroyer. Not the destroyer as in The Destroyer, but in a more downmarket way. He had come from a family of rebels -- they liked calling themselves rebels anyway -- whose main business was in pirating, pillaging, dacoiting, and otherwise causing problems for the various Kingdoms around. A kingdom would send its kingsguards at them, and they would go lay low to a different kingdom and pop back within a few months. For that reason, they had maintained bases in various villages across different states. They were friendly with the villagers and helped them in the hour of need. Their primary source of income was robbery and dacoitery regardless.

As the states around them grew richer, so did their loots, as did their ambitions. There came a point when the convoys started employing well-armed soldiers to protect their goods; in response they bought better arms and grew the family, so to speak. Their prowess matched those that of the less mightier states. Still, it started getting impractical to move around with a large number of soldiers, their supplies, and the arms and the ammunition. A raiding party was beginning to turn into a small-scale invasion, outlaws about had started robbing them here and there instead. They could no longer act like dacoits. They decided to settle down into a mostly-unclaimed area around their bases, and began setting their own laws.

Despite having settled down, they were mobile people at heart. They had little interest in governing or administering, or justice, for that matter. What they cared about was wealth -- acquiring it with the littlest possible work, and blowing it away with no considerations. There was a certain thirst for violence involved -- being feared and bowed down to had a certain charm being respected didn't get close to. So when their son -- the third one -- was born in these times of relative peace, they decided to name him Bidhvansak, the destroyer, the violent one. It was a nostalgia for the times gone by as much as wishful thinking for the time yet to come.

As a boy and later as a young man, Bidhvansak was a rather well-behaved prince for someone of his family background. Somehow he considered himself to be of a respectable and noble royal blood, and failed to see the signs to the contrary. He was educated with the neighboring princes, and learned the arts a King must learn to rule. There was nary a doubt in his mind that once his respected parents were past their heyday, he would rule the land with a kind and gentle hand, make alliances and wars with the neighboring states, marry into a royal family and form into a large alliance. That is what was expected of proper Kings, and that is what he was to do. It wasn't until that fateful day that the world of his imagination turned about.

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