Yeaah no brow I've...yaaa I've I'vee--had-- had soo much worse, man no I'm fine, don't worry sir, just gimme a moment to recover, please, yes, let's all sit down and chill and uhh take more hits, please guys, I'll tell you the story of --yeah, the the story of my worst uhh whatever induced experience ever, hahaha, it's gonna be funny. I've --I..I've already told you this man, He said, looking at his roommate.
Oh yeahh, dude, that time you got your neck all messed up, yeah brow that's a funny one, the roommate replied, bemused. The group looked a lot more relieved.
But...but still man, haha we're all like fucked up trippers druggies here, and shit man you like just like demolished what could easily be three weeks worth of supply for maybe three of us big guys, you sure you're gonna be okay bud, and not OD on us, a concerned member of the circle said.
Dude, dude, dude, just chill man, I promise you I'm gonna be fine, if I ever even fucking stop talking, just call the ambulance or police or whatever k man I don't care because first that's never gonna happen, and even if that happens, the fear is just gonna fucking sober me up in an instance anyway, which has happened from time to time man, and's it's pretty trippy dear oh fuck did I just call you a dear. Sorry man, sir, whatever, just sit down and chill okay, and I'll tell you about that time I've gotten the most tripped up, a thousand times more than I am right now. Maybe not a thousand, more like a hundred thousand million tonne more like, hah. So, right, the story. Let me begin. He said. Someone handed Him a glass of water, which he finished through in a gulp. Someone else topped it up, and he finished through that in a gulp too. They put the large water jug in front of him, after topping his glass for the third time, and filling the jug. He drank his third glass of water and paused. He wiped his lips with paper towel. He began, So, right, this is that story.
So it was some time ago. I don't remember exactly how long ago or don't want to be clear, but just understand it wasn't recently. So a bunch of people I know, sort of like my family, but really more like people I kind of take care of, maybe employees -- you know how things are in big cultures, everyone's related to everyone and everyone is everyone's aunt and you're somebody's aunt even if you sold them a buffalo like a decade ago, you get the idea -- anyway, so this wasn't even my idea, it was my friends' thing. So apparently they were fucking around with some sort of experimentation or synthesis or some sort of shit, and discovered this bluish bubbly effervescent liquid that was giving off like really pungent fumes. A couple of folks claimed it was giving them nightmares even from far away, and that's just the fumes, right. It was hella crazy. No one dared get closer to the container cos' they clearly knew there was something bad in there, but they didn't know exactly how bad, and how long it would remain stable for
. Like, for all they knew, it could end up blowing the entire place at any time, or leak out and poison everyone in the entire neighborhood, you know. So no one wanted to take the chance. And you know, due to the nature of the uhh event, there was no one higher they could really go for help to. So they come running up to me and ask for help. And I ask them what's up, and they tell me there's this..this strange liquid in the container that they accidentally synthesized -- He took a big gulp of water and refilled his glass. He waited a couple of moments to catch up on breath. --so this container has this mysterious scary-looking substance they can't get closer to or dispose of because they're pretty sure it's going to kill everything near it. Like they have a fuckin' good idea of what it is at this point. So that's good on them. Anyway, since I'm the more uuhh experienced person in uhh substances of extracurricular nature let's say haha because drugs are so fucking boring and honestly man this wasn't really like a druggie drug you know, this was something literally out of this world that they had just synthesized and had no clue as to what it was -- anyway, that's why they came to me, since I'm the kind of expert on these things.
He took a long breath. So yeah, I have a strange fascination with these things, and I do try those. But I'm blanking out on how to dispose of it. But knowing what I know about the substance, I know it's going to start subliming soon, and like kill off the entire neighborhood and essentially anything and everything around them. Like, it could have gotten bad. SO I knew I had to dispose of it in time before it got unstable and started causing real damage to the environment. And again, as a reminder, at this point, I've already put everything there is, inside my body --- no no man I see you snickering, I mean it not in a nasty way, I mean chemically, in terms of how it affects my body and what changes it can bring about and so forth. So just by the description, I have a good idea of what it is, and how substance like this are likely to affect my surroundings. So I came up with what is likely the most motherfucking badass craziest idea I've ever come up with. It's so stupid, youu're going to ask twice I actually said twice what I actually said, because it sounds so so wrong and so goddamn stupid. I decided to...and I swear I'm not making this up, this is so real, as real as it gets so non of that oooh whatever bs, no this is real .. so I decided to fucking swallow all of it. That was my idea.
The room groaned in unison. Incredulous questions were raised, and a chorus of uncoordinated questions and issues about the story popped up from across the entire room. People wanted to know if this was a performance art piece happening or if this was real life. I swear guys this happened, this really did I'm not an idiot to make this when I'm like... kind of hih you know. So anyway, back to the story, I come up with the idea of swallowing it, and obviously all my friends and other folks are really supporting of it, and really worrying about me. I tell them it's going to be fine, I've been preparing for this exact moment the entire life, the final astronaut training relatively speaking, when they take your interview and tell you if you've taken over the system or not. If they do not have this, they do not have a good offboarding system, and it's not necessarily a good idea for a better life. Oh right, back to the story. So I just like gulp it down, force myself to take it all down and swallow off all of it due to the color and traditions of art. I have a really bad stomach for the next three days and I develop kind-of an allergic reaction, which is blueish rashes whenever they go through, a cosmopolitan in this case, perhaps.
So that's how I got my neck completely sick all weeks long, and much writing about docker, meditative advantage, etcetera, and should be considered real work. Friends aver, but it's cheating to ignore provided awares or newer producuts.
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