Bokchoy and mushroom cook-in and lunch, watermelon meal, Ross trip, beddings and teapot, TD's birthday [Sat 14]

 I write these after three weeks after the fact, after almost giving up on this blog, so you will understand if I don't feel fully committed to this one. I gotta stop saying "I got things figured out, things are looking good", maaan. But like I'm writing this, so something's going well innit?

Cut all the two pounds of mushroom I had, and a couple of bokchoy I had, and cooked them. Took a couple of hours. The way I did it was cooked the mushroom in oil, with a whole lot of spices, and blanched the bokchoy in salt water, Combined the two, warmed them, and then hard that meal after meal, for the many following days.

Ate watermelon for snacks, good meal, great meal.

Went to Ross later in the day, called JD to get advice on what I should buy, ended up buying a nice little kettle on her advice, and a large bedding set, including a cushion, large pillows and a king-sized comforter.

Went to SRV's place with SK for TD's birthday, thought we were late. Turns out we were the first few people to come there. Met Ts who's TD's girlfriend, she's adorable. Lots of catching up, playing various pong related games, running away from PK because she wanted to punish me for not following the rules that were made, and general merrymaking. Helped clean up the place at 1 in the morning, walked to Sk's place, and then to mine.

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