Proof of vax everywhere

 This is one of the most unfortunate circumstances where my hopes have been dashed. I was really really hoping the C**** situation would be under control at this point, and that doesn't appear to be happening exactly, wave after wave of new variants are attacking etcetera. As a result people have started masking up everywhere, indoor mask mandate has come back, if not legally from all stores bars and restaurants, and now the grand of all situations. All the bars and restaurants have been checking for proof of vaccination for entry, even the more boring ones. So if you ain't vaccinated, you ain't getting into anywhere cool. It's annoying that you have to produce the document at every point, but on the other hand, it's a great filtering mechanism, gets rid of all the undesirable pro-virus individuals etc so that's great. I don't mind the masks or the proof at all, if this is going to help us control the spread etc.

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