Some people say fruits are not real meal, I say suck it losers

So I've been eating a lot of watermelon lately.  A lot lot lot. And apple, and peach.

Readers may remember I bought a massive watermelon last friday, with two cucumbers and feta and made it into a salad. And had to eat it through the course of the week all by myself. That was only half the watermelon. The other half I've been eating for solid meals and you know what it's unclear if it's the kava or the sugar content in the 'melon but I've been feeling full throughout.

Then the impossible foods peeps sent me yet another round of fruits that I need to catch up on, or else they'll go bad, so I've been gorging up on that as well. My meals have mostly considered of fruits as of late because I'm being inundated by them.

Somehow, accidentally I seem to find myself in this 'pure/healthy' lifestyle, spiritual in nature somewhat, though it is not my intention strictly speaking. It just happens that my choices and limitations caused by my physiology and social circumstances have aligned to put me in a situation that is indistinguishable from one that a much more spiritual man than myself would find himself in.

Which is, interesting, and curious, because I noted the other day that the feeling after drinking a strong cup of kava is about like how it feels after a solid hour of deep meditation.

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