Egg and tator brunch, walk around town, TJ's trip, single night out, chill bar, free drinks, bartender friends [Fri 13]

 Had eggs and tator tots for brunch, slept most of the day. Walked to pike/pine, saw a cool all-women street band playing, it was cool as heck. As always, a bunch of women really seemed to want to dance with me and I didn't seem as interested for some reason, why I don't know, actually because I wanted to get my 10k steps before it was too late, and by the time I got my senses right it was far too late. Went to TJ's because I was around anyway and bought a few things...that I don't remember what I bought but it was like 8.48.

Since I didn't have many other plans, SK was out on a camping trip, AKS was in Nepal and Sb was with friends, I went to check this new bar a couple of blocks over. It was really sow and friendly, mostly a regulars bar. Bartenders were super friendly, it was one of their birthday and I got a free shot. Talked to them about brewing and dehydrated lime and spicy mixed drinks.

Spent a few hours there sipping my single drink rather slowly because I didn't want to call the night early too quick. On my walk back I was accosted by a rather rowdy group of indian men, their girlfriends were extremely apologetic for them. Checked out chacha's, it seemed far to busy and the regular bouncer wasn't there so I went home, listened to a couple of podcasts and went to sleep, at 2.30 in the morning.

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