EIther there's a bunch of spammers attacking my website, or I've gone viral

 I looked at the stats earlier today and I see this blog has seen 2000 hits over the course of the last month. That's usually my hit count for three months or so, so somebody [in the us it appears but who would, nobody knows this thing, and then each post has been visited multiple times, what is even happening here] has been either really gorging on this, or there are spammer bots attacking this bag of pointless sack that's not going anywhere, nah I'm not going to be writing a novel about young adults in kathmandu it's looking like at this rate because there's no motivation, there's no fire that needs to be burning, I'll write more on this later because I had a longass conversation, and my long.ass I mean a long effing conversation for somebody I've never talked to on the phone before all by myself, where I found out that somebody I talked to and inspired last year has written a full goddamn movie script and halfway through their biography to go with it etcetera and I'm so very envious, I need to get up there, gotta hang with those people more and try to compete etcetera, but yeah writing's not going anywhere is it, if it were I'd be writing here a lot more, alas what the hell is happening this was supposed to be the one thing I cared for in my life through thick and thin and now not even that, so sad, hopefully it'll workout.

Anyway, so how and who and where have y'all been looking up here and refreshing the pages, because those are false stats I'm getting, probably and I'm confused, possibly misled. Ugh. So annoying.

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