Rice and many veggies, walk to the volunteer park [Mon 16]

Because I write this exactly three weeks on the dot, I don't remember the specific details. Don't complain, I'm not getting paid for this.

During the day, I had rice with the mushroom and green veggies, sort of a fried rice. And also added a whole lotta fried potato puffs from TJ's because I needed some potatoes in my meal. Great fuckin' idea, I'm a meal genius. Those breakfast puff things, you know what they are!

Later in the evening, walked to volunteer park to get my 10k steps and back.

And that's all the record I have of the day from photos.
I imagine I was getting quite angsty as well since fam would be coming in a few days. It's possible I wrote a bunch, there's no way of knowing.

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