Twenty questions to some place you'd rather not have been

 Is it your friend?

Is this the same person you spent three weeks with visiting exquisite locations but didn't take any photos together instead choosing to focus on random bugs and flowers, and when asked who you were with you offhandedly replied it was a single, like you, friend, of your preferred gender, who you've spent considerable time with and grown up together but no he's not anything like that you're just friends okay don't worry?

Is it the person you work with who you thought would get better but their situation's only gotten better?

Is it that piece of furniture you picked up from the thrift store, your first time at one and you were so unsure but we convinced you it was the best thing ever and now you're obsessed with it and ready to take it to all the future apartments even though it'd be significantly more expensive to do that compared to just buying it?

It's not your pet from back home is it?

Is it the book that you got on your last birthday that you've only read the first two chapters of and you swear you'll get around to completing the rest of it when you have a better weekend because it's a great book?

Is it a bag of wai wai?

Is it a cheap dull knife?

Is it the nook in your apartment?

Is it the shared memories that you're trying to purge because of the inherent betrayal that you cannot get over from?

Is it a bottle of your favourite vodka?

Is it that weird friend of yours who intrigues you but you're unsure where that might go and besides you don't know if you guys would get along together and who knows what's gotten into him because how are your conversations like that these days what's happened to you?

Is it the electric scooter that you bought used for a hundred bucks fifty that was stolen three weeks on from work and the guards wouldn't give you the security video of it and you thought of quitting but it was too much stress so you just...

Is it your favourite denim dress?

Is it an amphibian?

Is it the cute guy on the dating apps you've been eyeing but he won't reply back what the hell it's annoying once he's replied maybe you'll make the jump and just like sleep with him right away because fuck it who cares about anything anymore nothing matters dear what the hell was he thinking it's awful the world is shit guys are hell?

Is it chicken curry?

Is it love?

Is it a job?

Is it over?

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