Multiple kava brews, multiple breakfast sandwiches, imperfect food arrives, walk to the library, drive to North Seattle, hang in the park, hang at A's place, farewells [Tue 10]

 Made a kava brew in the morning with the juice from the watermelon salad, because it had oil in the dressing and apparently the good chemicals are heavily soluble in oil. Later in the day had another brew, this time in water. In the evening talked to folks back home, finally, and then cleaned the sink, which was a big mental burden for me.

For breakfast I had two separate breakfast sandwiches I'd gotten from the coffee place the day before. A bit in the evening, I got the delivery from imperfect food, unpacked it and put in the freezer, so much fruits and veggies for now, when I haven't been cooking much. I need to get my shit together!

Walked down to Pioneer Square, to the Seattle public library, just to check the building. I got the membership a couple of days before, and wanted to check if I could acquire the physical cards as well, but they were on limited hours so I couldn't make it. Went to S's place where we collected box for A, and drove over to the Cowen park in North Seattle, waiting for the rest of the party. The rest of the gang took exactly forever to arrive, and S and I played with M, and then the A's and we just chatted. In the end it was A and his two brothers, S, myself, An and her husband Av, who shares his name with the other A, BD, and his friend S. We ate thai food -- I only had Thai tea because I was full -- and watermelon and ice 'cream'. It was great. Everybody (the A couple, really) bid farewell to A, who was leaving the following day. I got desperate and asked the A couple for their number, and begged them to invite me to anything, really any program whatsoever that they were involved in, now that my group was getting smaller and my social outings would decrease seeing as I would be spending time with family.

S and A drove in S's car, the two younger A brothers, B and S drove in S's car and went to As' place. There the rest of the gang played fifa, B and his DJ'ing partner produced music and submitted something to some radio station. G came over and more hanging out was done. We smoked a few rounds towards the end of the night, it was maybe 11.30, and bid everybody farewell. I asked for B's number because I'd definitely need that in the drier days ahead. S drove me home, on the way he had a massive dejavu because we'd made the same trip over a dozen times over the course of the 2 months A had lived in the new place in North Seattle.

Came home, chilled a bit, and went to sleep pretty easily.

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