
Comrade M has his own plans, says the man on the radio, maybe he'll get his senses right eventually, our party is going through an eclipse, we've not gone dark, says the comrade who's not anybody's comrade anymore. Two thirds, he mentions for the billionth time, that meaningless phrase so beloved of those with not much to say.

Comrade Woleey has done things that were not strictly on the books, the man says, bringing up the understatement of the century, running around in circles. I've lost count of who is with who, what they're doing and why.

Now he's talking about Comrade Jhallu. Idk man, there's so little substance, no content, it's just talking about internal politics, with no real policy or vision. And it's nothing new, we're the idiots for falling for it, despite knowing it's all sham, soap operas for grownass men who like to think soap operas are not for them.

There needs to be better soap operas for grownass men so this shit gets serious. Or does it ever? With everything else going around the world, one wonders.

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