Dal-eating begins, day with the family, farewell to the A boys, loading serious haulage into Sk's car, volunteer park and bruce lee [Sat 21]

Sb came over in the morning, we had rice, dal that I made the day before, the tomato achaar I made many weeks before, it'll last for yet another week or two from this point, and veggies that mom made. Chilled around house, caught up etc.

In the afternoon, I walked over to Sk's place, we drove to the As' place at UW. Loaded up his car with all the goodstuff, he went to Bellevue. Since it was the A boys last day in the city, they were leaving a few hours later, we bid them farewell and made plans to see them again.

Back home, we chilled or a bit, and walked to Volunteer park. Parents marveled at the nice cute houses, we went to the cemetery and took photo with Bruce Lee's situation, there's a lot of assholes who do not know how to behave around where people are buried, maan, lots of people having too much fun.

Walked back home, sb returned, we had dinner, and slept. We put my beddings at the corner of the room, created this nice little nook for myself.

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