Mostly resting, catch-up with NG in Nepal, leftover meals, late night walk to the park [Thu 3]

  • Spent the day mostly relaxing and taking it easy.
  • Talked to NG who's in Nepal. Caught up on everything she's been doing recently.
  • Ate leftovers from the weekend for both meals.
  • Walked to Volunteer Park late at night, late to sleep.

A review of Manos: The Hand of Fate movie

  • Watched MST3K of Manos... and was very much confused by how bad it was.
  • Watched a comedy satire of paranormal activity. Oh god, it was so, so terribly bad. Like it was so very boring to watch, such a miserable experience seeing it, nothing happened!
  • Turns out the making of the movie was wild—he was bored and broke and wanted to one-up a director, so he decided to make a movie, a real thing to prove any child could do it.
  • One of the major characters, Torgo, is the creepiest, strangest guy on film—the actor playing him was constantly drugged up; most of his confused reactions in the movie are not.
  • That said, the comedy rifftrax for a spin is not my cuppa. Funny but,

I'm a social animal—that much is clear—now what?

- Enjoyed hosting four different meals so much—and didn't feel tired at all!
- My social energy is a lot more than I give myself credit for!
- Can be so much more aggressive with social outings but don't know where one would start.
- Some leads might be useful—such as tapping A.T.'s network.
- When visualizing wild social goals last year—this is what I manifested—and I got it! Roundabout but worth it!
- Need to do this as a monthly thing—do weekly things—teas over weekdays—and then expand my circles!
- Use existing friend networks—and branch out on them—and create my own! Expand political networks—tech circles—walking circles by hosting! Visualize ways to expand circles—to expand your frontier!
- Boss goal—host seven different groups in seven days!
- So many possibilities—just need consistency!
- Write different friend groups down—tap into networks.

Got pod app installed on watch—a few watch transfers of music—and I'm a phone-free bird!

- Finally got around to installing Wear audio clips playing podcast—Wear Casts.
- Actually a bit surprised how well it worked—downloading needs better playlist support—but here we are!
- Chews through battery—absolutely eats through them—mustn't let it go waste!
- I'm so sleepy as I'm writing this—improper sleep over weekend—and it's messed everything up!
- Will need charge watch once or twice daily—but it's hard forget—it might be useful do concentrated downloads all once!

Sleep issues are further diagnosed and understood

- Slept quite on time three evenings last week.
- Then the weekend happened and things went south.
- Thursdays are too noisy; so are weekend days—also busy with social life.
- Perhaps I need to overwork out myself to ease into sleep.
- I'm far too stressed out for Monday to sleep well on Sunday evenings.
- The biggest issue stopping me from going to bed is guilt—not writing, not walking, not meditating, not working. Yet if I sleep well they are done tomorrow.
- Sleep at 9:30—that's the bedtime; no excuses; no cheating—is the way to go.

Consolidating meals from previous days, college friends, board game afternoon, social jealousy, appreciated meal, resting [Mon 2]

- Didn't cook anything new; made Kakrosaadheko and consolidated all previous meals.
- WC, AM, AT came a bit after 12. We had lots of snacks; played the game Quacks. I almost won due to cheating—let a certain victory go due to honesty.
- Folks loved the lunch: fruits, snacks, and desserts. Also some good amount of gossip happened—I feel normal!
- AT is so social; has so many friends I feel incredibly envious of her! But I'll use that to motivate myself.
- Didn't do much else because I was tired after four meals hosting—napped in the afternoon; went to the park late at night; went to sleep quite late!

Weekday habits are okay; weekends are tricky

- Nothing to anchor the habits down.
- Been a realization for a long time; weekends be wildin', not in a good way.
- Have set up reminders in Habitica; hopefully it will get my days and starts tighter.
- Most importantly, responsible Friday evenings are totally possible; completely tethered.
- Goal is to leverage the motivation streak from Fridays into the weekend.

Aspirational social/personal plans for me

1. Reach out to university career offices and other resources to see if they can connect me to dream job peeps.
2. Be more engaged in local politics. Attend many public hearings, volunteer with local parks, and help plan for the organization I work with. Also have a hobby horse cause out in front of the city council to practice it.
3. Work with the local community college to start a new facility; collaborate with culinary students for Nepal thing.
4. Prod local public library to start a seed-tending program and set up 3D printing and training services.
5. Become friends with a strong group of friends here locally and get into it. Invite and be invited to cool things.
6. Attend clubs, dances, parties, raves with large groups of cool people, possibly musicians.
7. Date somebody I really like and am excited about seriously.
8. Go to Seattle municipal offices to understand what it takes to get the right permits to set up my business. Reach out to Bainbridge farmers to collaborate on meals etc.
9. Make large-scale brews for Nepali community for large events.
10. Invite serious people, older gen over for dinner; be friends with them and create opportunities for myself.

It's okay, it might've never gone anywhere anyway!

Let's be honest here
I would've screwed this up  
and it may be my fault  
to a great extent  
what was never in play  
to be real,  
was that really lost?  
We've talked  
with the gang  
and they say,  
hey man,  
kick the ego,  
it ain't much bud, be real,  
and get sniveling on your knees,  
begging for mercy  
which, perhaps, maybe,  
if it comes down to that  
one might entertain.  
Besides, what's to lose?  
It was surely  
never to go anywhere  

Travel plans for short and medium term

- Euro trip unlikely to happen due to annoying EU visa situation but still slight possibility during Christmas season. Europe in December vacation; Nepal in January is possible.
- Can't go to Virginia long-term in Dashain-Tihar due to drawing and gym classes. Will make one or two trips lasting a few days—compromises.
- Thanksgiving at Seattle possibly with California cousins.
- Hope to take things up to visit Texas by year-end but unlikely to happen.
- Work from Nepal quite likely in December.
- Solo trip and stay in Portland in September—I must!

It's important to have boys around sometimes, to give good advice

- Talked to a South Asian coworker yesterday at work. Told him about the texting situation. His advice was good.
- Forget ego, he said, throw the ball in their court. Gave a decent perspective on people worth pursuing.
- Even checked up after; it was solid advice.
- Often avoided conversation on tips and techniques as such with folks. But they know what works! They help put things in perspective. Practical advice is so much better than high-level theory-crafting.
- In the future, I'll reach out to providers of decent advice for an opinion, a perspective. Not much to lose, lots to gain!

Long walk to parks and cemetery with boys, trouble catering, fantastic evening hosting for nine, Nepal returnee [Sun 1]

- G F and M came in right on time. I fed them sandwiches and fruits, and we went on a long walk. Volunteer-Interlaken walk, then a round about the cemetery and back.
- Good convos, had trouble feeding M. His culinary options were so severely limited. The boys enjoyed the grains; was quite thankful for that!
- Ph and Y and M G, SH and N, A and S came in. I made multiple small rounds of snacks. Final meals were perfected. We had so many different desserts too! All the best to M, who went back to Nepal after 12 years in this country.
- Ph etc., helped me clean my place up!

My phone, headphone, scribe, watch combo is perfect; can avoid phone too!

- Loving the 3-device combo; phone's need going down.
- Can write in Scribe instead of typing on PC. Watch is great for health stuff and emergency music. Headphone helps clear my head from noise.
- Tried to listen podcast app downloaded on watch. Massive battery usage makes it unfeasible. Media player only maybe?
- Goal is not to need laptop eventually phone reduce wasted screen time. Getting there!
- Headphone is still hard on the side of ears but so worth it. Missed out on fruits of innovation far too long!
- Might eventually get a pricey Mac but no immediate need.

Habitica one week in - no panacea but better than everyday checklists

- Been slightly over a week since I started using Habitica. Want to write quick thoughts on it.
- Finding RPG style actually interesting. Invested in journey for my character. Losing points hurts!
- Most effective only when always checked. Some days harder than others especially busy weekends.
- Some tasks always pushed today-end like meditation. Unclear if I can design activities/goals to fix that.

My involvement in local politics will only grow!

- Have gotten increasingly active in local groups keeping track of politics and meddling.
- Attended public hearings, read agendas, understood them in context, asked clarifying questions.
- Get mad at how politics at the city level is so captured, democracy so compromised. Have told friends about the importance of local political engagement.
- Will 'formalize' and 'organize' my understanding and vision in these pages. Understand what is lacking in my planning and iterate until my vision is clear, path more solid.
- If nothing else, this helps me pass time and build a sample portfolio. Understanding complex, hard issues and attempting to bring about change is so fun!
- Might shape involvement in actual politics in the future too! Pie in the sky!
- It's so frustrating and blood-boiling, but one cannot win by exiting the arena!

My watch can befriend only one phone, oh well!

- Got a device for exit node.
- New Samsung phone arrived; has been set up.
- Didn't connect my watch as it can do only one reported device, and I'd rather connect to my primary phone.
- ECG done on Samsung connection but meh!
- Acts as a backup phone for 2FA security code.
- Acts as an exit node for my Tailscale personal VPN.
- Not drastically different from before but allows me flexibility, peace of mind, and tunneling capacity.
- Wanted to install Linux servers etc., to make it my VPN but rooting required in the phone. Nah.

Yearbook by Seth Rogen, a review

- Read the book in audiobook form; finished it in a couple of sittings over two weeks.
- Decent-sized, so approachable and so funny.
- Favorite part was the amazing voice actors who did all the dialogs in the recording. Top-notch production.
- Really solid, funny writing from a talented, smart guy. Didn't know much about him before. The book gave a vulnerable yet funny peek into the author.
- Time just flew by; kept wanting more at the end.
- Highly recommend the audiobook over the written word. A grand 9.5/10 stars; if any book deserves it, this is it!

I did it - on hosting 4 meals in 3 days

- Really hosted 4 meals in 3 days over Labor Day weekend earlier!
- Invited most people I know or am comfortable with; few missing due to space issues.
- Had 22 meals made in that time catering to folks with diverse tastes and paths.
- Wasn't hard at all; got energized instead of tiring!
- Cooked few simple dishes with grains and was liked!
- Simplicity appreciated! Leftovers from earlier meals for later.
- Forces me to practice more cooking, cleaning, doing dishes.
- Gained energy; realized I'm actually extroverted.
- Can do 2–3 meals like this easily every weekend while maintaining pretty regular schedule.
- Need to do this consistently and expand my groups to widen friend circles and community here.
- Hopefully energy and drive stay in the winter.

Brian Greene's 'Until the End of Time' book review

- Read this book as an audiobook over several sittings; quite a long read.
- Definitely not light or relaxing intellectually. Very dense with top-notch research material and airtight argument.
- Greene is highly readable as an author. He simplifies and clarifies greatly. He is a master at clear communication of deep scientific knowledge. Writes amazing narratives too!
- Point about needing to tell the story at different layers of abstraction of reality was to-the-point. So perfect!
- Topics covered include the origin of Universe to life, intelligence, and consciousness. Binds these beads with tight thread of consciousness.
- He's a physical realist, functionalist but insists that reductionism does not get us anywhere with understanding.
- The final chapters about the futures of cosmic continuity were especially engaging.
- Would recommend to anybody with even a passing interest in science topics.
- 9/10 stars; this is as good science writing as it gets!

Cleaning the apartment for the fiesta, TJ's trip, egg and rye lunch, Han Han trip, dinner & dessert fun with five people [Sat 31]

- Spent most of the day cleaning up my place and getting ready for the four hosted meals ahead.
- Went to Tj's for quick supplies, fruits, and essentials.
- Got home for fried eggs with rye for lunch.
- Went to Han Han for a pretty large grocery run.
- Spent a few short hours cooking, running late but folks came in late so it all worked out in the end.
- Got lots of dinner and desserts for the five of us. My standard hike gang plus G.S.

Setting up perplexity, cutting and lunching watermelon, trying to make convos work, re-cook, flavoring kefirs, Samy, night walk [Fri 30]

- Set up Perplexity AI app on all of my devices; it makes search better than regular.
- Cut the watermelon on hand and had significant parts of it for work.
- Tried to make the conversation with R work. That didn't go as anticipated. What a pity; that's someone I was optimistic about.
- Re-boiled the rye again until it became good and had that for a meal. Victory over grains is almost total!
- Flavored the kefirs on hand with five or six different flavors and processed rice beer.
- Cheese-tomato sandwich for dinner and went to the volunteer park quite late at night.

Grains and a char lunch, upset tummy, office, drawing, dinner Sandwich, ND video chat [Thu 29]

- Had rye and achaar with spices for lunch. That messed my tummy, as the grain wasn't fully cooked.
- Walked to the office. Got a bunch of sketching and proper work done. My routine's getting better!
- Walked northwards after dinner. Dinner was a standard sandwich.
- Talked to ND for a decent chunk of time on the phone.

12 word sentences, let's do them here too

-My editor gave me an assignment-only write short sentences. Twelve words at most, up to fifteen if must
-Have been doing that on practice writes.. Work stuff too
-The sentences here are so long. I've been treating them as notes, but that's no excuse
-Here's the idea-all personal writing will be short_ To be better, I must practice properly. There are no cheats.
-For the foreseeable future, my sentences will be terse. Makes them less rambling, and to-the-point-I won't cheat using dashes either.
-The other feedback was around flow. My sentences don't have that. He suggested I read a lot and copy styles. I read so much news. Not a great source to copy. Must start reading more
-Limitations incubate creativity. My journey starts!

-Aug 29 afternoon, Seattle office downstairs

Coach chat, sister call, oats, afternoon work and write at the office, walk north, Sammy dinner with tomato, early in [Wed 28]

-Talked to MK in the morning, then sister, ED in the evening, much calls done!
-Did pretty well for the sake of habitica, proud
-Oats and fruits, the classic for brunch
-Went to office post-work, did real work and wrote a bunch, plus wrote for work
-walked home, rested, had Kafir for snack, talked to ED, did some chores, went on second walk
-Had cheese-eggplant-tomato sandwich for dinner.
-went to bed early, wrote a bunch, meditated
-Self Delusion audiobook during my walk

-Aug 29 afternoon, Seattle office downstairs

Four invites and four meals for the weekend, I'm really doing the insane thing!

-Actually implementing my insane goal of hosting four different groups of friends for meals
-Sat dinner fun lunch and dinner, Mon lunch-it's going to be a busy weekend, but I'll be able to test my various cooking theories and approaches
-Thinking of making a few proven staples, and a bunch of easy snacks, probably cooking will be the easier part
-Bhat, dad, a char, tarkari, fruits, 3 cold veggies, some random snacks, and Tj's-bought snacks
-More than the physical tiredness, I might be socially exhausted, but this is a training and a test, and maybe a little bit of a distraction
-20-25 meals will be made and had in the 3. days-goal is to treat cooking and hosting as something casual

-Aug 28 eve, Seattle apt. bed

A new framework to guide oneself - refresh, reflect, ready

-Coach gave me the exercise-define what the words mean and how I can prepare
-Need a decent understanding of self. What helps me refresh? A nice shower? Drawing something? Writing? Need to understand that.
-What is that which helps me reflect? For me it's writing and meditation. Art generally. How can I do it regularly?
-What things do I need to do to be ready for a task? Understand the scope? Have a vision? see the point? Meditate on it for 5 minutes, envisioning success?
Counter-what things must I avoid doing? Which acts sap my energy, avoid reflection, make me less ready?
-Energy → Being hungry and tired, reading the news, distracting myself on youtube etc.
-Reflection → Random youtube videos, news, stress and fear of failure, lack of confidence
-Ready → Fear, Anxiety, lack of clarity, lack of clear expectations, chaotic timelines, potential for confrontation, no vision on why I'm doing it

-Aug 29 afternoon, Seattle office downstairs

Bringing color back to my phone because of... reasons

-Enabled color earlier in the day because of Habitica app
-Turns out I actually get confused by their theme choices
-It felt like I was getting more anxious and needy with the color on, probably a co-incidence. Shut the color still
-Will turn color on for photos and videos, and media consumption, but turns out I like my phone better this way!
-Work laptop remains b&w

-Aug 28 eve, Seattle apt bed

Going to the office and working at the focus room as my private office is great

-Been to the office a couple of times this week, but sat at a new place
-Found a super-segregated focus room at a floor nobody goes to. Treat it like my personal office
-Do work stuff beyond regular hours, write, socialize and just relax in general
-Without other people it's fewer distraction, since it's a small room, it's cozy enough to want to work
-People talk about the lack of good space, but having a decent room all to myself feels fancy. Even without any windows, I feel comfortable and at-home there!
-Will keep going to the office, occupying my office, being productive!

Aug 28 eve, Seattle apt. bed

Awoken fresh, oats for lunch, evening office work, friend SB Call, late walk north, grains& rice dinner, early to bed [Tue 27]

-Got 8 full hours of sleep, woke up pretty fresh
-Had tea-biscuit, oats and fruits for lunch
-Walked to the office, did a bunch of decent work, installed habitica, wrote a bunch on kindle
-Talked to friend SB, caught up after so long
-Walked home tired and hungry at 7.30, texts all confused
-Had grains and rice dinner with egg and tofu
-Walked North halfway to the park
-Came home, cleaned up, sleepy time!
-Tried too hard, had trouble sleeping

Aug 28 eve, Seattle apt bed

Set up habitica habit-tracking app, hoping it portends well

-Finally got around to setting up a habit-tracking, gamification app
-Had been eyeing/planning for some time, good occasion to execute after suggested by the coach
-Installed Habitica, which turns habits into an RPG game, and you level up as you make progress in personal life
-Added most of the checklist items from my Google keep template to the app, and it's definitely easier to view
-Did do dishes and cleaning yesterday for the app, but it's happened before. Celebration needs to be stronger, the positive feedback is decent, unclear if it's sufficient!
-Looking forward to maintaining streaks etc.
-They have 'habits', 'daily', and 'todo', and most of them can be set for certain regularity
-Aligns with my 'weekly', 'monthly' checklist templates
-Need to add them cleanly, set expectations

-Aug 28 afternoon, Seattle office downstairs

The goal of being in bed by 9, asleep by 9.45

-Decided to go to bed on time, get 8 hours of sound sleep
-I'm hurting myself by not sleeping enough, well-rested is the best-performing version of me
-9- 5 is the ideal schedule, so now I'm going to bed increasingly earlier. If I can sleep by 9-9.30 it's ideal
-Avoiding evening screen time, all computer things done in the day, got on the Scribe in the evening
-Having trouble with broken sleep due to toilet trips, and disruptive dreams, hope is it gets better
-Worst is 'sleep anxiety' where I overthink it, force the sleep but that causes it to not happen!
-Weekends will be disruptive, specially with parties and hangouts but they're not often anyway!
-I'm liking this, I want this to go on for weeks, and eventually make it a habit

-Aug 28 eve, Seattle apt bed

Maybe I should test myself on how many dinners and lunches I can host in a weekend

-I've experimented with the most dishes I can cook, the result was 13, and the outcome less than optimal
-The more often I have people over, the more practice I get with hosting, cooking, socializing, generally the important skills
-I have multiple friend groups now, at least four or five independent ones, can definitely fill all my weekends hosting ones, and doing it once monthly per group
-Is it possible to do more often? Can I have people over for
2 different groups? How about 3? Maybe 4?
-What's the most separate meals I can have people over for without going mad? 3? 4? How much effort can I get on by? What's the minimum effort for maximum results?
-2 meals are planned already, we'll see if we can get 2 more!

-Aug 27 eve, Office downstairs

Must not get too carried away. Must not, just...

 It is important to remind all the parties that things and matters can progress not necessarily to one's advantage.
We must all be mindful
of the various infinities of directions things and circumstances can take.
For the reasons above
( and keeping in mind
the terms of historical trend)
one must temper their expectation
in all the different directions.
While the direction of possibilities,
is inching towards positivity.
it's far, far early, to call it now is silly.
for one to make prediction
of any kind.
It's hard to remain sensible, that's understood under certain extenuating circumstances but that doesn't absolve anybody involved out of the risks
of premature expectations.
let's all just sit quietly
and not overthink much,
-Aug 27 eve, office downstairs

Book review: Start more than you can finish

-Finished the audiobook version of the book after so long
-Found it quite inspirational-start as many things as you can, finish many, don't fear about not being completely prepared for it
-Argues starting things is similar, poem or book or knitting or even a business
-Just start it man, she says, if you're not even slightly uncomfortable or un-ready when starting something new, you're not pushing yourself. Need to get in the pool to learn swimming
-Refers to six or seven or eight other books I've already read, I feel so motivated that I'm in the group!
-9.5/10 stars, excellent read, highly re comment it for all kinds of readers, Mba-types or artsy-types
-Definitely a book I'll get back to, use it to organize my thoughts, ideas, projects

-Aug 28 eve, Seattle apt bed

Failure aversion is not a thing, preserving status quo is, turns out

-Finally completed 'start more than you can finish'
-Found one of the papers in the references to be quite interesting
- 'A psychological law of inertia and the illusion of loss aversion'- by David Gal
-Author argues that most research on 'loss aversion' is inaccurate and insufficient in its explaining power
-Contents the preference to 'status quo' is more fundamental, and loss aversion effect is just an illusion that arises from poorly- designed experiments
-We are not afraid of losing what we have over gaining more, we just don't care to make a decision that changes status quo
-That is seen as 'less risky' option chosen, but people tend to be indifferent
-The problem is to reframe a presumed 'loss aversion' as indifference
-Indifference is probably easier to fix than fear of loss!

-Aug 28 eve, Seattle apt bed

Kefir falful lunch, dinner, leftover snacks, chips, park walk, library, park sketches, evening chores, night write, sleep soon [Mon 26]

-Had kefir with apple, prunes, oats for lunch
-The day was day off, so relaxed and chilled mostly
-Khaja was leftover rice, titey Kare la, dual
-Also filled myself on the potato chips from Target earlier
-Took a round of volunteer park, dropped by Capitol Hill Library
-Wrote a bunch of posts at the library, printed return form
-At Cal Anderson park, I texted a lot, and drew scenery there
-Did dishes, had kefir and cleaned up in the evening
-Wrote a bunch of posts in bed, because I went to bed at 9
-Asleep pretty quick
-Oh paid $14 for return box for watch in the day, annoyed by the unexpected expense

-Aug 28 eve, Seattle apt bed

Learning to manage adult relationships better

-Been a while since I had to put real hard work and effort into an adult relationship
-Most of them have been 'special circumstances' where the complexities of logistics made all other 'real' issues moot
-Being in a serious adult relationship means not assigning thoughts an intentions to actions, giving space, talking openly and clearly about each other's desires
-The transparency can lead to hurt feelings, but opacity only pushes issues to an unknown future
-Impatience and anxiety are the 'easy' way out of any healthy situation, and the benefit nobody eventually
-Kindness and generosity are of prime importance, if only to protect oneself from the pitfalls of impatience. Escalating matters without understanding the stakes is pointless
-It's okay, it's going to be okay, and they're definitely trying to fight

Aug 28, Seattle Office Downstairs

The whole situation with the virginia wife murder

- Psycho guy killed his wife in virginia
-Thought he could sell out his belongings and bail out of country
-Had been torturing and mistreating his wife all the time after she birthed their child
-The entire family was involved in the whole situation, it's unlikely the murder was done entirely by a single person
-Typical traditional Nepali system of violence, getting rid of unwanted women by killing them and pretending they eloped
-Makes my blood go cold, so scary and psychotic, things don't fit, nothing makes sense anymore
-Aug 27 eve, Seattle office downstairs

My new watch is here! Also, Samsung software sucks!

-Got my watch from Best buy and set it up yesterday
-like the hardware features, reminders, wearos
-Hate Samsung Health which won't let me set things up
-Can take and play files, but need a d- supported apps for podcasts, might give up on that
-No VLC or simple app for media player
-Generally, hardware and Google system is awesome, love Glam remote camera system, hate Samsung stack
-Battery life is barely 1 day, but might be worth it
-Have really quite loved the scribe and the JBL. This could be the third tool in quiver

-Aug 26 eve, Seattle at bed

Northgate will be an interesting neighborhood after the ongoing construction is over

-Saw an interesting urban development outside the North­gate station while there
-Big plans to turn empty parking lots into new apartment. public parks and malls
-Neighborhoods in the North are creating so much housing around transit stations, stealing Seattle's economic pie
-Thought I didn't want to move out of Seattle, but now if they are transit-near affordable and mixed zoning, why not?
-May be my political activism will help change things in Seattle, work needed to change city council policies

-Aug 27 eve, office downstairs

Leftover lunch, ED talk, Northgate, watch, fried rice and eggs for dinner, Seinfeld [Sun 25]

-Had leftovers from the previous night for lunch, slept in until late morning
-Talked to ED and niece in the morning, provided excellent personal updates
-Took train to Northgate, collected my watch, and set it up, Samsung phone is lacking, but it's still fully functional, almost
-Dinner was fried rice with yummy yummy eggs
-Watched Seinfeld in the evening, wrote a bunch of posts on my Scribe

-Aug 27 eve, Office downstairs

Okay, pioneer square is not as sketchy as feared!

-Ended up in pioneer square on Saturday night alone, hungry
-Walked around the neighborhood and the cool parts of it
-Actually, way fewer homeless and/or druggies in there
-So many art galleries, cafes and decent bars too!
-Bright lights, nearby Lumen field make it a decent area for an evening out about town
-I should go there more often, explore what's up!
-I stopped exploring Seattle neighborhoods, with watch+ Scribe stack, I should start again!

-Aug 26 eve, Seattle apt bed

I ate a whole large goddamn pizza at the Dominos downtown

-Was at the office until quite late at night Saturday, writing
-Got hungry but didn't feel like Chipotle, so Domino's it was!
-$ 12 for a large 3- topping pizza, half-flavors, so got 6 different toppings
-A little sketchy area, but I figured why not, and ate there
-Had half-pizza, tried to pack but didn't go in. I was still hungry
-Decided to go all-in ate the entire fking pizza in a sitting
-So filling, so satisfying! Stomach barely upset next day
-1800 calories of yummy fatty heart-burning fat, salt, carb, sugar
-Will be way more careful about appetite in the future

-Aug 26 eve, Seattle apt bed

Two talks, late night office write, a full pizza at pioneer Square [Sat 24]

-Got busy texting a new friend in the morning, lovely times!
-Walked to work in the afternoon after leftover lunch
-Wrote 10 -15 posts, but oh so lazy generally
-Talked to, and drew, ND on viber for a while
-It got late at night soon, went to Domino's downtown
-Ate a full 6- topping large pizza myself on-site
-Walked around pioneer square, lovely place actually, must visit
-Walked to Chinatown and took the train home from there
-Fun evening of more texting in the evening

-Aug 26 eve, Seattle pt bed

Kindle and watch only is actually a viable tech stack

-Seriously considering doing kindle scribe+ GW6-only outings
-Will load up songs and podcasts and audiobooks to watch
-no distractions with apps and browser
-maybe even quick draw instead of photos, to record memories
-Will force me to actually pay attention, not count on the digital records
-more meditative, connected, less distracted and zoned out that way
-less screen time, more artistic endeavors, more socializing
-as long as I'm outside the apartment, not looking at screen, ideally reading, writing, socializing or working out, I'm winning
-Scribe and watch help me do that
-Aug 26 eve, Seattle pt bed

Won't be renewing the writing lessons methinks

-Large part of writing is the sharing and the social aspect, not getting that there with writing editor
-Should start going to the local writing meetups
-Also, always, always write down the contract details and get it agreed by both the parties, it's not about trust, it's about professionalism and good hygiene
-Dread to find myself about to go to a meeting every Sunday
-Nice guy, but want to finish 5 remaining sessions ASAP!
-will have had 2-3 good essays out of it, if nothing else!
-Really good experience, the dread wasn't fun, I'm not ready for it yet!

-Aug 26, Cap Hill Library

Swimming lessons for the new quarter

-U W Swim lessons are really really popular, it turns out
-Need to learn swimming by year-end, that's the goal
-Level I& level 2 are very easy, level 3 is the one to take and the one that will be the one most oversubscribed
-If I can take them for 2 months, I'll be ready to try them all by myself. Goal is to be able to go to pool and swim done!
-Swimming turns out to be the perfect workout, a few laps-or a dozen-at the pool, and one is set for the day
-It's a 25-year journey, this year really has to be it!

-Aug 26, Cap Hill Library

Rainy Seattle weather is fun, relaxing, cool and crisp

-It's started raining in Seattle now, short and drizzly
-Temperatures are perfect, the greenery is heavenly, my favourite weather is here!
-A bit shit to walk out, be about, but much better than the sweltering heat
-Definitely makes it harder to get out of the house, but more fun when outside
-My backpacks don't all have rain-cover, should put umbrella on me to be prepared for all conditions
-weird jacket weather at the moment-carry and wear jacket and often pack it in my backpack
-Aug 26, Cap Hill Library

Rainy day, cheating work, cleaning, texting, Sammy lunch. Trader Joe's mistake, hau hau, cooking easy, party!, early in [Fri 23]

-It was a drizzly rainy day all day long, rain not enough to get wet
-Spent work hours to clean the apartment and do my chores
-Started texting somebody new, excited about the opportunities
-Cleaned kitchen, toilet, bedroom, vacuumed, steam cleaned floor
-Started flavoring my chhyang with herbs and flowers
-Had tofu-cheese sandwich with eggplant paste for dinner
-Went to Tj's for a quick shopping trip, bought 2 rounds of toilet paper instead of paper towel
-Went to Han Han for veggie shopping, listened to Crunch Crumble
-Spent a few short hours cooking it wasn't much work!
-Details already written elsewhere-4 cooked items and other cooked items that were easy
-Friends came in for a couple of hours, ate and had fun, went out by 10.30
-Fun, relaxed, chill hosted dinner!

-Aug 26, Cap Hill Library

This new habit of going to work to write is lovely

-went to the office a few times in the evening last week, even went on a saturday and stayed until late
-It's a relaxing space that's not home, where I can do my personal work without being disturbed, with free tea and hot choco
-Happens to be at a top-notch location too, what's not to like!
-Still miss the socializing aspect-meeting new people, making friends etc, but it's okay
-I've been writing on the kindle for hours in there, it's so productive!
-Final stage is to install good songs/audio apps on my watch and never be distracted on phone
-Goal is to be there as many days as possible. Make it my personal productivity space!

-Aug 26, Cap Hill Library

There are apps that help you stack habits, gamify them, I must start using them

-My coach MK mentioned there are apps that help you create and stack and maintain habits
-Turns out those apps are much better for personal goals than checklists because they use the power of gamification and addiction, but for good
-Turns out some of them exist for my smartwatch too, so that creates even more opportunities to improve. Yet another excuse to avoid cellphones too!
-I am into stacking habits and succeeding with routines, but starting or restarting is hard
-Apparently these apps account for that too, so very exciting!
-Will install and play around with them soon enough
-Aug 26, Cap Hill Library

Re: my social life, hosting 2 simple dinners is so easy!

-Hosted 7 people over for dinner on friday, mula- Kakro, fruits, one snack, and that, dal, mushroom to tarkari
-It was so quick and easy, and not at all stressful!
-Took 1 hour or even quicker, of effort ful time spent, and it was an excuse to make my place nice!
-Last dinner took me 1 very arduous day to execute and stressed me out, this was quick and easy
-I could easily host these dinners twice a week or even more often, like I don't even have to think and plan much
-I was wasting so much time and energy before, this allows for much faster iteration!
-Really encouraging outcome, more friends, more dinners, more contacts, onwards to great prosperity and new job!

-Aug 26, Cap Hill Library

I've got way better at playing A0E using cheats against AI

-Have been playing A0E for a few months now against AI
-The games used to take quite long, I didn't know what was happening, but started understanding how to 'analyze' gameplay, how to use defeats to learn better and improve my strategies
-Games can end in less than 8 minutes now, not always but there's always a plan, and I can always anticipate potential issues
-Great way to learn tips against anxiety, how to manage crises, and how to turn defeats into lessons for future battles
-Should actually play real contemporary games, without cheats and everything

-Aug 26, Cap Hill Library

Fried rice & eggs lunch, new connection, park walk, oats dinner, texting new people [Thu 22]

-Had fried rice, eggs and tofu for lunch, I was so lazy about cooking anything at all
-Sister called, we talked for a bit, I was sent contacts to a new person who I started texting
-Went to Volunteer Park for the IR steps, nice cloudy
-Did some shopping in the evening, bought a new Samsung watch, and a phone to go with it.
-Went to sleep un-necessarily late, having issues sleeping

-Aug 26, Cap Hill Library

Deep cleaning my apartment only takes 3 hours or so

-Deep cleaned my apartment on Friday, when I'd invited all my friends
-It was actually so easy, cleaning up the whole thing took me three hours or so
-Doing dishes is 30 mins, vacuum is automatic, mopping
is 20 minutes, and clearing things up an hour. One hour for everything else, and so done!
-Inviting people over for dinner every friday is not the worst idea in the world. Mid-week tea party, weekend lunches and dinners are so manageable!
-If I do it more often, maybe I'll be more pliable to make friends just for the sake of inviting them!
-Cleaning, laundry, haircuts, groceries should be weekend morning habits every week! Would take 5 hours total over 2 days, can listen to podcasts meanwhile

-Aug 26, Cap Hill Library

I should value my sleep more, I'm hurting myself

-Talked to my coach who suggested perhaps I was not valuing sleep as much as I should
-Need 7. s t hours of sleep, get 6 a night on a good day
-Sleep is good for a bacilli on different things, not just energy level, I'm hurting myself due to less sleep
-He suggested I read why we Sleep book, I'm on the waiting list of it. Will feel so bad due to not sleeping!
-Problem is, I can't go to sleep at 9, but I must, if I care about myself. 9 -5 sleep is ideal
-Morning work is actually disrupting my personal habits

-Aug 26, Cap Hill Library

Colored and flavored drinks turn out to be popular!

-Chamomile, and hibiscus flavored chyang was well-liked
-People found the colors quite interesting, the colors and smells of flowers are just as crucial as base drink
-Important that while process is important, drinkers app recite the presentation and sensory impact more then the story and origin details
-Need to clarify my thoughts on the philosophy of small- scale craft production in a hyper-optimized capitalist society
-Small scale has advantages too, no overheads!
-Could be competitue too honestly.

I'll keep seeing both my behavioral coaches

-Have unlimited coaching sessions thru job's EAP, def an error
-Been seeing MK every week cos 'she's ADHD-informed, and H because he gives big-picture advice, every 3 weeks
-Figured I'd get rid of one of them, but not anymore
-Will eventually schedule M K for 2-3 week calls so we're more consistent and sustainable
-Weekly calls are hard-barely anything to report back on
-2- 3 weeks is perfect time to see a coach
-Hopefully the employer is not wiser until then
-Aug 24 eve

When it's good, it's just so great

It's great to be reminded,
when things are going great,
that one conversation won't just end,
and in the perfectly good way,
you discover that oh you were
such a cynic,
for when things do click,
everything is so smooth, it's so great.
Often you will find yourself in the trap of wondering if you've become a lost cause but sometimes, it's not you, it's actually them and you dare dream that things might work out again You want to talk about how all things a. but careful oh, for they might slide the drain don't tell just everybody the plans and chemistry For the future is unknown, could go South quickly! There's chance for hope, though,
You can imagine a better future,
of course things are all cool
and you'll make it work, you really will!

-Aug 24 eve, Seattle office

I bought a samsung smartwatch( trade-in) and a cheap backup phone to go along

-Was looking up smart watches on Slick deals, discovered Samsung galaxy watch 6 is on for $99, if you trade-in your existing watch
-Amazing price, can get rid of the old one too, win-win!
-Features work only with Samsung phones, ordered one from QVC for 45, after $30 discount
-Have new watch and a backup phone for less than $150
-Watch will collect fancy E KG data and so on, excited!

-Aug 24 eve, Seattle office

Easy simple dinners are not less-appreciated, I Should do them more

-Previous largest big hosted dinner took a day to cook, 11 items, leftovers enough for two weeks
-Was too tiring, couldn't gather enough energy for such big production again
-Yesterday I ran out of time, cooked 2 starters, cut fruits and veggies as appetizers Nepali-style, cooked just that- dat-ta r kari
-Upside was-not too tiring, people enjoyed everything and no lack of any items, very little leftovers, clean kitchen
-Took an hour, or even quicker to produce, excluding shopping
-Definitely can host these twice a week at least, even more often, probably
-Less is more is an option
-Instead of overwhelming with unappreciated volume, organize at volume, can practice more, keep home clean
-Hosting 2 -3 dinners weekly is completely achievable!

-Aug 24 eve, Seattle office

My coach says I complicate things. What now?

-I told behavioral coach about my google keep checklists and the whole productivity plan
-She said I was complicating things needlessly, instead of overwhelming myself with long checklist, I should just layer up on my successes
-Idea is to use habit tracking apps and structure my days just so all of my activities happen, not obsess over the exact details
- 'Just do it man, don't overthink, don't over complicate matters 'is something I really needed to hear
-MK, my coach from NY, is really awesome, she understands exactly what I need!
-My plan here on-to be more confident and 'trust the process? not to complicate them so much I don't want to do any more!

-Aug 24 eve, Seattle office

Sandwich brunch, herbal purchase, ferry, explorin the island. visiting friends 'fancy house, yummy risotto' dinner? late home [Tue 20]

-Low energy workday
-Had sandwich of cheese, tofu and eggplant for dinner
-Walked to Pike Place market, bought it different herbs and flowers, took a very long time
-Walked to ferry terminal, missed my boat, drew city portrait on the next boat
-GF picked me up, we walked at a park and explored the major landmarks. Fun place, lovely island
-went to G F and M's house, awed by how well-furnished it was, and ogled at the techno gadgets
-GF made the yummiest of risotto, so good veggie version!
-Talked a bunch on local politics, invited the boys
-Took 9.30 ferry, the train, and home so late, so tiring!

-Aug 24 eve, Seattle office

It's okay I took a day off fun for just unwind and gloom

-Was tired, felt lazy and didn't do much on Monday
-Felt guilty about the lack of activity and progress, over thought the whole thing
-Talked to cousin, coaches about it, it's okay, I don't give myself enough 'off' time, it was a great time to fully relax
-Need to be kinder, take more days off 'formally'
-Should eat, sleep and walk enough on off days to feel better

-Aug 24 eve, Seattle office

Potential for local blackberry collecting at Bainbridge

-So many blackberry bushes in Bainbridge, quite wild
-not being collected either, so all the more for me!
-Thinking of taking big containers to collect a few pounds for me, to eat, and to flavor my brews
-Local blackberry flavored Kombucha, chyang, Refirs!
-Another excuse to explore the island, hang out with the boys

-Aug 24 eve, Seattle office

Simple math suggests see see pee is in a tough spot

Did some simple arithmetic to make sense of the China economy numbers, and uh hh they look bad, really awful, not good at all
-Deflation is suppressed in the official members, unemployment numbers understated, the 'flexible employment 'concept is massively misleading the rule-makers
-Consumption will go down even more in the foreseeable future, the deflation will escalate unless big bazooka steps taken
-Govt. thinking of bringing stimulus in October, it could be too little, too late... Will be similar to HK experience, the money will disappear like water in sand
-Prioritizing hiring the youth might help with 'social stability', but it will bruise the general economy even more, govt should prioritize job stability to encourage consumption, not letting home owning parents lose their jobs
-Urban middle class, rural poor, middle aged will be the most adversely affected
-Gout going all-in on new high-tech and robotis will be considered overly premature, their target market is becoming more distant
-Automation will be seen as a curse more than a boon, as job opportunities reduce
-Electrification will be seen premature

-Aug 24 eve, the office

Considering where to invest in the economy next

-My big 5.25% CD's have matured, and transferred to the investment account
-Sitting on a comically large amount of cash, earning just 5. 5%, need to invest in the economy
-uncertain where to put cash in, general stock or tech ones, and risk appetite
-the political future is definitely quite uncertain despite the trend, don't like the vibe at all, the fucking moron is going to screw all us of over, dear gods can we have just a bit more stability please

-Aug 24, the office

Sister talk & instagram, standard brunch, nap, lazy day [Mon 19]

-Sister made instagram account in the morning, more of a silly comedy account than real personal one, but still
-Brunch was oats and tea-biscuit, relaxing
-Took a long afternoon nap, didn't get dinner and didn't walk either, body needed rest after intense hike of preceding days, it's okay I wasn't stressing my body

My sister created a public insta account on my behalf

-Have talked about linked in and insta account creation
-Finally got my sister to create a public insta account, don't have the credentials or anything, but at least have it 'on paper' so people won't bother me
-Next step is a linked-in account, given up on my ego and pride; the official networking site is a must if I want to get a fancy well-paid job. It's fine, that's a manageable compromise
-I avoid social media due to my toxic relationship to the medium, my lack of self-love and kindness once in a few years will spiral due to such sites

Got my herbs. Here's the next steps

-Went to Tenzing mo mo and got 11 different kinds of herbs, worth $ 38.
-Asked shop guy for reccos, they asked if I wanted good flavor or bad, I said bad. I have a diversity of flavors and profiles now!
-Thinking of first testing the herbs by creating a tea or tissane of each in hot water; will help me understand which of my drinks I want to flavor, and how to combine
-Chyang, Kombucha, and 2 kinds of Refirs need to be flavored
-Will either mix drinks with sweet tissane, or steep the herbs for a week or so, and take them out. Hard to control the flavor and steeping profile!
-First time ever, I'm eager and excited!
-I'm prob complicating things!

Bainbridge island is a foi iine place to visit

-Went to Bainbridge to meet GF and his husband
-Island felt like a national park, even the ferry terminal was so fancy!
-Walked by a big ole 'park, a former military base > Couple of parks, a superfund site, the Japanese memorial, grocery store, their house
-So few people, so four houses, so many farms, trees. The whole thing had a 'rural land that happens to be close to the city 'vibe
-Friends apparently buy meets from local farm. Wild!
-Downtown is quite small, no new construction happening, and the average age of residents is 707.
-Wild, really conservative local politics, but a decent place to visit.

-Aug 21, office, 6.35

Oats lunch, Rice& eggs dinner, late night walk, blog posting, clean [Sun 18]

-Had oats with the regular addons for lunch
-Talked to friends and family for several hours
-Vacuumed, made checklist and worked thru it
-Posted 100 posts from the kindle notebook to blog
-Went to walk late at night and did an hourlong meditation
-Dinner was Tj's fried rice, fermented mustard and eggs

-Aug 21, work, 6. 30

Mid-tier smartwatch technology hasn't innovated at all

-Brought out my smartwatch from coma, but the strap is all fucked up, and it wasn't too good, it's old now
-Looked up online for latest mid-tier watches, there's no new features/besides health metrics, nothing enticing
-willing to pay 200+ but nothing grabs my curiosity! Where are my watch-cameras, phone replacers?
-The watches don't even have photo-previews, no podcasts
-Will wait out the market for a few more years. Final goal is to have watch+ scribe, no phone or laptop. Freedom!
-Even top-grade smartwatches are meh, mostly used to find the paired phones anyway!

I'll walk and I'll meditate after writing these

-I did go on a walk and meditate during!
-Okay to meditate just for 5- 15 minutes!
-reading, writing, walking, meditating ground me, but where am I reading and meditating?
-Anxiety of not doing things well causing me to not do things, can half-ass, d- them for relatively short periods
-Just sit down, breathe, don't think, relax, man! Don't complicate things!

My basil flowered, hydroponics is boring now

-Been trying to stop the basil from bolting but now the flowers are in full bloom, bloody annoying
-Turned of the hydroponics machine, let the plant figure its shit out, and collect the seeds if possible
-probably do tomatoes and chillies the next time, the herbs are stupid to manage, not at all worth it
-other thing-might my system be not tall enough, and how might I be able to increase the light length so my plants can grow taller? 3D printing?

More thoughts on kindle-writing, blogger publishing

-Writing on scribe, posting on blogger has happened for almost a 1,000 posts over the last year, 200 in last few weeks
-Takes a lot longer to complete, but zero distractions> So easy to start too
-Posting every couple of days gives me a larger context; more awareness of what I'm posting and the tags to do
-Dating of the posts is all messed up, should probably write the date of the post on the page next to the title
-Format should be title, date, location of the time writing the post. Will make it much easier to read later
-Should go back, read, reflect on the recently-written posts

Don't blame me

Don't blame me
but I come to the office
for the free cups of tea,
I'm such a penny-pinching fool
I value the cups as if they were sold
at Capital Hill cafes so cool.
I will remind myself
of the cents and dollars I have saved
getting drinks I'd never by myself have paid;
Oh and earlier this week
I found an unused little room
That I have declared to be my office
It has no windows, and screens it has none
but the floor is empty and quiet,
so I get get my work done!

-Aug 29, Seattle office downstairs

Hey, it's not so bad!

Sometimes I feel like
I'm drowning in the mundanity
of everyday life,
swimming against a cold, harsh unrelenting
Every so often, a colorful fish
comes my way, oh what joy!
and the journey, the incessant trip
is somewhat improved.
I might find
a nice-looking stick
floating by
every so often,
or a plank of wood, which I climb on
and you know, it's not so terrible anymore(!)
until I'm bored when I stand
on a plank of wood while others
swim,  not much else to do
and I jump into the water,
Oh hey, it's not so bad anymore!

- Aug 29, Seattle office downstairs

Fried rice & eggs, fruits & oat lunch, office walk, Sammy dinner [ Wed 21]

-Had fried rice with eggs for brunch, feeling lazy
-Talked to MK, my coach, and agreed to get shit together
-Had fruits and oats for afternoon meal
-Walked to work and wrote there for an hour, completed 10k by walking north
-Cheese-tofu Sandwich dinner in the evening

-Aug 24 eve, Seattle office

Finally went to leavenworth - thoughs and ideas

-Had heard of, and driven through, Leavenworth, never went
-Went after Colchuck, it was the nearest food place
-Felt like a German/European-themed part of Disney
-Many themed bars and restaurant, and the 'vibe' but only for tourism purposes
-It's surrounded by massive mountains, A 'la Switzerland
-They should actually make a proper euro-style city with great public transport, urban living, and thriving cultural centers of the city
-Clearly I wasn't missing much but glad I went
-They should open up casinos there at least

Review of Rudloof's pizza und Brats

-We went to Rudloof's pizza at Leavenworth after a long and tiring day of colchuck hike
-Tried exploring other places, but many had literally just brat dogs and beer on menu
-Went to Rudloof's Pizza and got 1 supreme and I veggie large pizzas for the group
-Cost about $11 per person, and 2 pizza are way too much for 7 people, could have fed somebody else too
-Veggie pizza was heavily loaded with many different vegetables, and cheese; it was hard to pick up.
-Service was a bit slow but acceptable, ambiance was exactly what you expect from a touristy town place
-8.5/10 stars, would most certainly go again!

Colchuck hike, and how touristy it was

-Colchuck was beautiful, although so far away, no time for doing anything else.
-Relatively an easy to moderate day hike, cool lake
-Extremely dangerous lake, shifting sands below
-Many other hikers looked like they were not regulars to the area-the dressing, the vibe, was all different and a bit confusing. They seemed so unprepared for the easy hike!
-Turns out the hike is quite popular among the tourists and the newcomers, great scenery for relatively less effort
-Explains our observations, and why it was so insanely busy even among Seattle trails-it's not the locals that are more common, but outsiders, specially East-Coasters
-Might explain last week's hike too, Seattle locals don't normally drive for 3 hours each way to hike, there's so many great trails nearby!

Updates and plans on the Photo wall

-Received 55 photos on friday, used painters 'tape on the back to create photo w all
-Have used 35 photos total, 25 remain, work in progress
-The organization has zero logic and theme, or group
-Should think of better organizing in future
-Will take fewer selfies of groups and more group photos and other cute situations
-Need to have 'best of the week' photo selection to print out every week
-Eventually, I'll throw out the crap posters

Just be a goddamn adult, man

Just clean the damn place Vacuum and mop takes thirty,
And oh man,
just goddamn meditate,
even if
just for five minutes,
Invite friends and buds over
for tea if the needs be
ane be more comfortable with company.
Just be okay hanging out with overthinking
the seven worlds and beyond,
hold hands and kiss a little bit, without wondering
what it might mean.
Live your life
one day at a time, man without worrying
about the future unknown.
It's not a big deal,
If everyone else can you
Just be a goddamn adult, man!

Google's LLM-notebook is actually quite good!

-I have generally been quite unimpressed by Gemini's LLM offering, the generated articles are literal crop
-But their LLM notebook can take custom documents and answer questions about any combination of them
-It can also be pre-populated by sample questions, similar questions, and a couple of templated research Starters, such as Q&A generation, FAQ, timelines etc
-It's been a fantastic tool to do contextual search based on given documents. Don't have to read thru the complete document, or do keyword search for general queries
-Probably might be interesting for in-depth queries or surface summarizing, make it easier for one to orient into information
-Curious which direction the product will go!

My photos and ED's gifts are here!

-My 55 photos from Google arrived earlier today, they look really good... it's so many photos!
-The entire wall in my room with the shit posters that were so pricey will be replaced by photos from last year!
-I'm excited! I'll think about taking photos to print and put on walls, always, from now on. This is a great attitude to photography
-ED also sent me a massive care package, with my largest ever hot choco mug, hazelnut cookies, sleep lights, insect repellent, ghirardelli's hot choco, and more... it's too much!
-Not big or exciting things, but enough to give me energy and hype up for a while

Two international news events obsess me ugh!

-Have been getting rid of my addictive news sources, and orange site and reddit. They're mostly blocked from all my devices
-But two international events pull me in hard, news from China and the Ukraine matter, it's so challenging to maintain focus.
-Thinking I might just block the keywords on all my devices like I did with the orange goon
-The great part is I know where to redirect my focus-podcasts, books, audiobooks and meditation
-Haven't fully gone into proper meditation yet, but basically there, need to use my tiny habits technique to make it so simple, not doing it is silly

I'm effing finally caught up!

-Haven't posted to the blog yet, at page 165
-Late June's posts probably(?) wont be done but there weren't too many
-Glad I'm not on the computer, but this pointless and mostly unproductive task has taken over my life
-Need to time box, not count-box for realsies

I need more rules for writing

-need for creative rules and limits
-free-form, unbridled purposeless writing is silly
-creativity thrives, perhaps arises from limitations, doing free-writing with no clear goal, or writing expetations is the enemy of writing
-5 pieces a day is not sufficient for inspiration
-Writing pratice needs to get brain cells working, not the urgency muscles
-must create expectations around word-count, genre, sentence length and structure, topics etc. based on day of week, maybe?
-my editor has been reminding the same, the mind wants to outsmart the 'rules', there in lies creativity, The Rest is Entertainment talks about it too

Notes for 'community building' essay

-Spend 15 minute on what the Nepali NGO in NYC does, and how it works
-Spend 45 minute on how cities and communities do community building. Shows? Cultural programs?
-Clarify who the group in context is, in great detail
-Researh the history and usage, and the use of the word transplant. Can we be more clear and more subtle on the hate? What does techies go home ' mean?
-Do we find ourselves in the middle of a civil war? An auto-immune disease? Connect auto-immune issue with migration issue. Con us. Lib not true!
- 'Local politics preserves status quo'.-expand on that

You can't wait to be ready, must jump in!

-A re-realization of something already discussed here
-Talking to N. A yesterday at RGB, about inviting people over. I said apartment is messy for invite, she said inviting people will help clean up the place
-Jump right before you're ready, or else the resistance to the final 5% will take an eternity
-Need to apply the philosophy for meditation, art projects, job search, and the rest of life in general. If I wait to be completely ready and cooked to jump, it'll be a long wait.
-Start applying to jobs, go on more dates, invite more people over, read and write more, meditate, be the product manager of your dreams right now!
-Don't wait for the stars to align, jump in so your future self is force to bias towards action!

The importance of herbs in homemade beers

-My chhyang batches have plateaued, they are sour- forward or too sweet, there's not too much complexity
-Over fermentation makes it smell too boozy and not ideal for presentation, need a distraction
-Now I know why they use herbs and other bittering agents like hops to beers-to add complexity, and to hide the off flavors
-I'm going to buy a tonne of herbs from Tenzing Momo at Pike Place, and add to my batch for a week or two for chhyang. This will add variety, complexity, a sense of surprise and novelty, and hide the boozy flavor
-I have learned fermentation through 'deconstruction', somehow!

Annual Checkup done

-Scheduled lab tests last week for tuesday, fasted for 16 hours for the diabetes test
-Was so very hungry by the time I got checked
-All the numbers look decent and moved to the right direction, except for triglycerides
-Test itself is super simple, so quick!
-Need to improve the trig levels by working out a lot more, my body is aching for regular workouts now
-Gap of 9 months between the tests because I was so eager to know the difference made by lifestyle changes

Podcasts all day long, forever

-Have been bored, tired lazy recently, mostly napping
-Means I don't got the energy for full on audiobooks, and to series at home are too boring
-Have been listening to podcasts 2417 more recently, crunch and crumble and then podcasts
-Need to read, listen to audiobooks now, kindle writing is fine...

Finally getting around to restarting projects

-Bottled 3 gallon of Chhyang earlier today, brought out Kombucha, milk Refir, water Refir, combined Refir batches and 'cleaned' them up
-It's been a long time, but I'm back to my projects, need to start adding flavors and bitters to make all of my projects more complex
-Summer is ending, Kombacha summer would a 'been ideal, but there's still so much space for growth, experimentation and learning
-If nothing else hosting 2 weekly dinners, or more will help make more friends, and help me practice my projects
-Food is just an easy enticement, the real goal is to have them test and respond to my batches of projects
-I cook quick too, so no worries there!
-Food for the week for myself

CCP is trying to reduce market liquidity

-A bit of political economy post now as I'm running out of ideas, need to write something serious
-CCP has shut down short selling, stock lending, hft. most instruments of leveraged trading and derivative products, limiting options for stock brokers, and is limiting options with money-making for banks and traders
-Sounds like they want to limit market volatility, but might end up killing the golden-egg-laying goose that has financed whatever has been going in China
-Will be interesting to see what direction they might go, after trying to goose up the stock market generally

Baths are yucky, not for me

-Took a bath today due to boredom, mentioned by the coach yesterday
-It was pretty decent, I floated and fill relaxed
-Bathtub is so messy and µ of other crop like my hair, made the water look pretty ugh. Used up an entire tank of hot water, took a long shower post bath
-Lucky yucky, small bathtubs are not great, not me

How to feel better at work

-Meditate and freshen up in the mornings, don't worry about instant slack response
-Instead of avoiding work and doing time wasting shit, create fun hours, do shit you like, work 2 hours but work them good!
-write work related staff, be a think-fluences!
-Setup mentor-mentee meets for every week
-Meet 2 new people in the team or across the company every week
-Plan out high-level strategy and vision stuff
-Make work more expansive
-Go to the office often

Sad that self-portraits getting worse

-Drew a couple of self portraits in the last class of the tale
-My portraits were less me-looking than what I did last quarter, but at least I'm drawing more
-Confidence, attention to detail and speed are really important, plus quality feedback by an expert, my teacher
-Really need to hit on the practice pedal, turns out practicing a lot is quite the key to becoming a better artist
-Some could look like literally anybody but me, funny and sad
-Goal is to keep at it until I'm satisfied, keep taking the classes!

Review of Gyro Saj

-Went in after my blood work
-Got fries and baba Ghanouj wrap, the fries were not the standard Gyro fries but crinkle-out, likely frozen
-the wrap was decent, no falafel somehow, but it was cheap, an acceptable trade-off
-$14.50 for the entire thing, so much fries, but they were unsalted and frozen. A little disappointing?
-Ambience was fine, whatever, didn't care
-7/10 stars
-Went to Viet licious last year, and Jimmy-John's
the year before. Tests are an excuse to explore culinary options in the neighborhood

The best therapist/Coach here

-The coach I met today was the best, said exactly what I needed to hear
-Experienced with dealing with potentially-ADHD people, and gave me explicit steps to avoid feeling like crop
-Focus on self-care, she said, even during work. Feel free to do things you like during work hours
-To avoid escapism, you must be comfortable. To be comfortable, you must do things you like, not rebel. Dance, shower, meditate, it's okay!
-Procrastinate by doing things you like, misery isn't a good shield for guilt

New coach, grain dinner, lab work, gyro, Sis, nap, write, walk [Tue 13]

-Writing this the following day, fucking finally on kindle
-Met up with a new behavioral coach, the most amazing guide ever, should be my therapist. ADHD-aware, etc.
-Immediately scheduled a follow-up for the next week
-Didn't eat anything until 2 because had lab tests in the afternoon, so hungry and ridiculously dizzy
-Lab work went real quick, talked to sister before/after
-Had lunch at Gyrosaj, ate Baba Ganong wrap and fries, $14 but totes worth it
-So much food in empty stomach, rapped 3 hours after
-Had grain, dad, kimchi, eggs for dinner
-Late night walk to volunteer park, crunch& Crumble
-Wrote a dozen or so posts on the kindle, caught up!

Phone, kindle, headphone-my tech trio

-Phone is phone, it's lovely, my pixel 6a has worked out
-Loving my headphone these days, the charge lasts forever, I take it everywhere I go. It has replaced a bunch of other crop earbuds. It's not perfect but I make it work
-Loving my kindle scribe, for writing, reading, doodling, drawing. Even random doodling is so much fun with it
-Kindle has been the best recent tech investment, no need for a laptop anymore. For new desktop, will get Mac Mini 16 GB soon enough
-3 things are my permanent every day carry now, love 'em!

Taco bell love, breakfast yum

-Had taco bell breakfast burrito on the weekend,
So freaking good! Eggs, potatoes, cheese, in a wrap, less than $2, what's not to like?!
-Should really email taco bell about my love for their products, maybe they'll put me in for their ads, or make me a spokesmodel
-Have been eating decent amount of TB food in the mornings before the hikes, and it's been perfect, really!
-Yum! Brands indeed!( It's owned by the holdings company called Yum Brands)

I'm starting meditation.... today!

-Didn't start when I wrote the topic, didn't when I'm writing this text, but getting so close
-Walking, writing and meditation ground me, need to get back to it ASAP
-If I'm shirking work for it, so be it! The happiness and stability plus productivity gains are worth it!
-Need to do 25-75 mins every day, leggy ooo!

A list of twenty things

1. Hair creams
2. Red light therapy for sleep improvement
3. Metal concerts
4. The Dead South the band
5. Meditation
6. Singers
7. Acting as background character
8. Kashmir
9. Young people hanging out at ten areas
10. Yoga classes
11. Travel plans for year-end
12. Swimming
13. Water full of minerals
14. Decent moms if you can find them
15. Friends and family forgetting to phone
16. Leadership
17. Expensive electronics
18. Random travel plans
19. Night walk
20. Cooking eggs a hundred different ways

A list of things I want to be good at by year end

1. Learn to swim
2. Learn to play tennis
3. Be a better dancer
4. Be better at golf
5. Better consistency with meditation
6. Drawing sketches in public
7. Become better product manager
8. Be better at writing serious essays
9. Improve my website
10. Actually produce one episode of podcast

I'll join insta and linked in, I have somebody run it

I've lost the thread, been defeated in the war. Sometime in 2014 I said I'd join FB properties in 10 years. It's that now. There's a real need for link in too.
I'm still an addict. That is why I'll give the creds for both the sites to somebody else, like my sister. I'll provide content and have them publish it. It's fine, I'm not gonna let my ego get in way of my happiness. This is definitely something that can be won over by paying one's way out of it!

The usefulness of life straw in hiking

-Had heard of life straw, got to try it during Blanca hike
-Put it in water, and suck, no worries about bacteria& metals!
-the easiest way to create drinkable water, such a lifesaver, specially for the Blanca lake hike
-I should look into buying it, seeing as how helpful it can be
-Maybe it can be connected to a hand pump and used to fill bottle?
-Simple yet exciting tech

How do I cope while I await for stars to align?

-Rediscovered I can't change jobs while waiting for visa situation to work out
-Turns out green card is further away than anticipated. so so very frustrating
-Insanely unmotivated at work, things going on quite slow
-need to change my attitude, need to relax and enjoy my work, need to strategize ways
-thinking of doing it in several ways-multiple mentorship, writing at work, mad networking with coworkers, and setting long-term vision and strategy

The heat management issue at Blanca hike

-Started the hike up to Blanca lake very late, at half past noon, due to traffic and poor planning
-Extremely hot and sweaty, almost passed out due to dehydration, we were done with all our water 60% on our way to the lake
-Even the E shirt I had on was so hot, many many men were shirtless, the best way to do the hike in the heat
-Was almost sure I couldn't make it, but reduced my walk rate and experience improved
-Walking fast in hot weather is the worst combination, I'm particularly bad at dealing with heat, I remembered
-Will need to head out much too soon in the future

Personal goals and plans for behavioral coaches

-This is the final post on therapy and coach thing
-Currently have 2 coaches and one therapist, meeting one therapist monthly, coaches bi-weekly and weekly
-Therapist as high-level moaning board, coaches for motive
-Thinking of having only one coach, seeing her weekly to start, and then maybe bi-weekly
-Going to change my attitude to work, then work towards new job goals, then work towards personal stuff
-30-minute weekly sessions really should be perfect to hold myself accountable
-Really excited about the whole thing, one coach seems perfect!

Gloomy days are back in, hurray, hurray!

-Summer had been hammering hard, hot and humid days getting hard to live with
-Gloomy days with crispy cold wind have begun, I find them so much more fun to head out during
-Morning and evenings are bit to chilly, but this is better than everything else
-Favourite weather is gloomy weather, fave time of the year coming to me now!

Plant transplant plans

-Many of my plants are overcrowded in the pots
-Some pots don't have enough soil to thrive
-Some aren't thriving due to lack of literal space
-Need to report my succulents, they are struggling in tiny pots
-Pothos plants need to be divided, Spider plants need to be propagated, the greenery needs to grow!
-Need to buy bunch of new pots, and soil to go along
-Will put new plants by the windows, at the kitchen and even in the bathroom. The place will be all greened!
-Also considering greening up my bedroom!
-Make bedroom a peaceful meditation cone with plants!

I should be okay spending personal time at office

-Need to go to the office a few times anyway
-Going to the office makes me productive at work and in my personal life
-But I don't stay long, my office hours are limited
-Need to be more comfortable writing on my kindle outside the home too
-Would make sense to stay around for a few extra hours, drawing, writing and reading, as a recreational thing
-Office has a gym, could work out and shower while I'm there too, do the entirety of my morning routine at work, 6 -9 moves to 2 -5
-Gets me out of the apartment, makes me meet people, just have fun, appreciate the time I do spend at my place

Daiso Seattle is closing!

-Daiso was fun and useful but far too small and didn't carry the full breadth of inventory
-I hadn't gone there in almost a year because it just wasn't worth it
-Turns out the store is closing-a bit of a bummer but not as awful as in the past as friends can now drive me to other locations
-B ye Dai so, you'll be missed!

I am more trapped than hoped, as trapped as thought

-Deluded myself for a few days thinking I can switch jobs
-I can't, back where I was 2 weeks ago
-Bit of a heartbreak, trapped in the current situation, need to be better with the current job
-Should leverage coaches, meditation, routine to improve the outlook and performance for my job
-If I cannot change my surroundings, I must learn to change by approach and attitude to them, and feel better with what I have
-Done it for so long, can do it again!

Behavioral coach hacks with my EAP

-Discovered I have unlimited coaching sessions with my EAP
-So much better than the 12 annual therapist sessions
-Could abuse it for weekly sessions but not feeling it
-Thinking of exploring a few coaches before finding the one that suits me the best
-Looking into maybe having multiple coaches at the same time, and using them for their relative strengths
-Meeting each coach every 3 or so weeks would be perfect,& sessions in 3 months. Not abusive but useful
-Need to learn how to make the best out of the coaching sessions, have to leverage my therapist to combine with the coaches
-More on this to write... work in progress

Review of the Nepali Indian kitchen, Aurora

-Went to Indian-Nepali kitchen after a long hike
-So, so very hungry, finished the large that instantly
-Paid $24 for the massive plate, not an awful value in Seattle, the flavor was pretty decent for the area
-Restroom was decent, the ambience was dated and a bit weird, looked like they saved money on furnishings by buying. at an old thrift store
-Service was decent
-I'd go again if everybody else went, but by absolute standards the place is just okay. Price is fine for Seattle but not in absolute terms
-Location is in Aurora Ave, super sketchy stretch of road!

Sleep troubles, forever

-Have been having sleep troubles again, rarely feel rested
-Should be fast asleep by 10 -10.30, but almost never happens, lack of sleep has multiple downstream effects
-Started taking lavender pills to take care of sleep matters, should I do again? Important to avoid the phone hours before bed. Just make my kindles my bestest friend
-Should get back to working out, post-yoga sleep was intense!

Hiking shoe troubles

-Amazon-bought hiking shoe was horribly oversized, hurt my ankles as the shoe dangled in the 12-mile hike
-Put on an older pair for the Blanca lake hike, it was
◦ Ray going uphill but toes bumped by the shoe on downhill like, a little bit of wound
-Boot far too tall for my ankle socks, dug into my leg needed proper thick socks for the boot
-Never had hiking boot troubles before, time to get a nice properly sized pair
-Size 6.5 for men is probably better, hiking shoes have different sizing than walking shoes

Too many Singers or strange stroke of luck?

-Strange happenings-didn't know any singers previously, now I've been setup with 2 with youtube channels within two months
-Either the number of singers has been rising, or singers are disproportionately single, or this is a very strange stroke of luck nobody can justify
-Hasn't worked out specially well with all the fun interesting singers, but what a co-incidence!

Cooking like a normal person, healthily, finally

-Made grains using 4 types of cereals, and a slow- cooked dad in the pot, so spicy and yummy, on last thursday
-Regular cooking beyond oats, noodles and sandwich after several weeks, felt so good about myself!
-Wanted grains and dad since forever-simple to cook, nutritious, cheap, quick, and easily preserved
-Need to get back in the wagon by cooking veggies too
-have been eating 2 eggs with the meal for protein

Getting behavioral coach from health provider

-Turns out EAP provider gives me unlimited annual sessions with 'behavioral coaches' who are a bit simpler than therapists
-The point is to use them as accountability partners, guides, motivators to get me doing the things I'm too lazy or tired to do
-If nothing else, I can just reshape my life so as to not disappoint my coaches, and have them expect great things from me
-A bit like my editor for writing but for the rest of my life
-Have had one session excited for others, stay tuned as I have a lot more to write on this!

A messy sink is disproportionately stressful!

-Messy sink full of dirty dishes is so stressful!
-Couldn't cook, couldn't clean the place, felt like a tourist in my own place!
-Big mental block against doing anything productive at all, it was bad!
-Putting dishes in the machine was easy and quick, but negative impact was so much more!
-Would rather pay people to clear my sink than struggle with the productivity hit from messy sink!

What to do with all the spare Stash tea flavors?

-Ordered another 180-pack of stash tea
-Ran out of caffeinated teas in old pack so fast
-But now mint, chamomile and chai tea spares remain
-Must drink the herbals at a quick pace otherwise I have far too many of unwanted flavors in my hand
-Have been using two bags a xp to work towards this

Big fat summer flies back in Apartment

-Big fat flies in the apartment now, so bothersome!
-Every summer they find way into my place, die on window
-killed and disposed a few flies, but still some remain
-need to find more effective, modern means to get rid of these flies!

Photo prints, photo-walls, new approach to pics

-Ordered 55 4×6" photos out of my Google photos
-Cost me less than 11 backs, including taxes
-Will make a photo wall in my apartment like the one at A-T's, use painter's tape to hang
-Means I'll have to get beyond selfies, need to take group photos of others, have my photo taken with group
- 'whats the point of all of this?' I used to ask. At 184 a piece I know now, to create physical memories to be with you always
-Big change in perspective!

My portrait-drawing is improving on kindle

-I have been drawing quite a lot of portraits, on my kindle too when bored
-kindle is different from pencil on paper, easier to undo, but much harder to maintain control
-Even without observation, I've been imagining the ratio of various parts and improving on them based on feedback
-Still need to figure out ways to go to cafes and bars so I can draw scenes and portraits based on real life
-Would need to draw quickly as real life is dynamic and changing, a blocker but great for getting better

I should explore non-Nepali cooking too

-I've gotten decently good at Nepali-Indian cooking
-To improve as a cook, I should teach myself other cuisines too, for other people if not myself
-But hard to experiment and test without a partner or somebody to eat the leftovers without me stuck on 'em
-pasta, ethiopian, Japanese, British, etc would be fun to try if people ate all the test batches including fails

Does this mean I'm back to my regular routine?

-Have been doing morning oats, tea-biscuit, and afternoon grain-lentil already
-Writing consistently now, clear path to catching up
-Started doing my regular walks, radio and podcasts, and semi-regular office commutes
-Got apartment-cleaned, laundry done started cooking
-Not fully back to all rituals, including meditation, but got pretty close
-Excited that 2 weeks on, I'm so close to getting all setup-now only if I could get apartment, cleaners

The time I planned hiking water poorly

-About the 12-mile hike to Lake Valhalla
-Packed only one bottle, of sparkling ice, was done by the drink at the lake
-Needed to refresh water but no filters or chemicals
-Asked chemicals from strangers, but that took far too long so I did something stupid and risky
-Drank a bottle of unfitered lake water-the lake was glacial lake, but surely not worth the unknown risk
-lesson learned-will take at least a few litres along

The Shades from Nepal are a bit much

-Parents sent 4 pairs of expensive glasses from Nepal
-Transparent glasses are... fine, just okay, I'm glad
-The shades with power are... bad. One makes me look like a blind person, the other pair is 100 to a ladies 'pair that mom must have loved!
-Probably wont be wearing the shades in the open as much as I wished, wanted

Writing notes from audiobooks makes me retain

-Have been doodling, taking notes, casually hand- writing on my kindle
-My editor told me to write phrases and words, sentences that I like by hand so I retain and absorb it
-Thinking land doing a bit) of taking notes from audio books and ebooks that I read so retention is good
-Used to write thousands of handwritten words as a child daily when prepping for exams, need to get back
-The physical feeling of writing by hand is so much stronger than typing by hand!

I should go to public spaces to draw portraits

-Have gotten decently ok-ish at drawing from observation and can usually get a decent impression of scene done
-Improved at drawing portraits of people too, and even self-portraits have been more interesting
-Confidence and more practice makes one better at portraits, but limited opportunity to do portraits, no models
-If I went to public parks, coffee shops, other public spaces, I'd be getting free models, improve portraits
-Interacting with subjects would be an interesting skill to learn too, legit thing worth improving!

In search of a good mop/vacuum mop

-My floor steamer/mop is not within lease contract
-Saw an awesome mop at a friend's that was also a vacuum
-Advantage of mop-vacuum combo is I can get the_ cleaning done in the same round
-Prices are kinda high, will look at slick deals for the opportune time for the best set
-problem is disposable pads, but they can be bought for cheap off-brand on Amazon

Gift of preserved foods from home

-parents sent gundruk, sinki, mascara, til Koch hop through relatives
-So strongly pungent, stunk up the whole large container and everything else around it
-Even the kitchen cupboards are stank up ha hah
-Excited to be cooking and finishing this batch,
-Used to not care for homemade ferments, now big fan

I should take it easy with China news

-Too obsessed with news from China, spend so much time catching up on economy and finance rules
- Just an excuse to kill time, a redirection from reddit and the orange site... better than them but not ideal
-Need to replace china obsession with work, meditation , personal growth and writing
-Just wait for six to nine months, nothing new or exciting happens in the news anyway
-maybe meditation will help me get better, should practice harder

I'm now okay with being friends with randos

EDITOR'S NOTE: I didn't write anything, because it was a bit much, the days kept going by. In the end it felt like not writing it was a better decision. My sentences need to be short, to the point. If I want to keep typing, I must improve my habits.

Either way, it's unclear if I'm actually forrealsies okay befriending randos.

My lawyers truly fked me over

-Green card visa approval pushed further away
-Was eligible for EB2 and ready to be applying, but they did EB-3 for no good reason
-Will take years and years for situation to settle
-So mad, definitely thinking of going to Nepal just out of spite because I'm so far away from things working out
-Losing patience at this point, will consider applying to other places ASAP, not much to lose in the current situation

Tennis-class ideas

-AyP suggested we could take tennis classes together, be able to play tennis regularly
-Been thinking tennis myself, could take one at UW, one with AP, and become decent within the quarter
-So many tennis courts around, it's a heavily subsidized sport, should be awesome to play once I'm decent at it

Loving the scribe-writing

-Will have written 150 posts in a week on my Scribe once I'm done today
-kindle writing is fantastic, because of the physical feedback, the screen easy on the eye, and avoiding the screen that usually distracts me
-have probably written upward of 600 posts in last year
-having a fantastic time illustrating and doodling, something I had missed doing over the years
-thinking it'll be useful at work too, I can take notes during the meetings to avoid getting distracted
-Still kinda running behind still need to learn to write in scribe at cafes and outdoors
-Another consideration is to do personal writing at the office, nobody cares what a kitchen-dweller does!

A matter of heart, or the stars?

When were you born,
they ask me always,
I need the details,
The date and time,
And location of birth. once again I am
All broken-hearted bit
One would have wished
Seeing as they were
Connections through mutual friends
It would be a-matter Of heart, not stars.
Oh but here's me
Hoping for the alignment
I care for not
Angry at the stars
And who are faithful
To the powers beyond
At the cost of
What does lie within,
The reality versus belief
My destiny versus agency.
Call me a moron,
If You so wish
I believe our futures
Lie within Our actions
And not stars above!

I'm back to drinking copious tea

-Have gotten back to my daily routine, more or less
-Been drinking tea more and more, several cups of tea every day now. Every time I do two bags
-Productivity implications are unclear but I enjoy the ritual of it. If it makes me feel relaxed and good, that's already ideal.
-Herbal tea bags have been underused, as I'm trying to optimize for caffeine, will drink more just for relaxation in the future

This quarter of art class just sped by

-Third quarter of art classes ending, can't believe I've come all the way!
-This quarter went by even quicker than the previous ones, unless I practice a lot harder, I might be reaching a plateau
-Need to practice being quicker with the basic sketches and outlines. The quicker I am, the more I draw, the more instructor feedback I get
-Basic skills are improving, I need to start getting more confident and comfortable with different techniques

My real writing is improving

-Have been working pretty consistently with the editor, our sessions have become workshop sessions where he comments on how I can improve
-He says he can feel the improvement in my writing, might be overstatement, but can definitely see I'm going in the right direction
-Most important part is I'm connecting more strongly with the act of writing personal essays. Equally importantly, my Journaling has tucked up my writing, he is helping with that
-My essays have such clear patterns and weaknesses, I'm learning to be more-observant and improve my points of weakness.

Intense hiking plans happening

-Hiking consistently for the last few weeks, even did the super-long trail at lake Valhalla
-Attempting mailbox peak this weekend, supposed to be super hard but not too long
-Idea is to attempt the first part of the enchantment trail, and eventually the complete 20- mile trail in a single day, within this season
-Much easier to train 'when you're working towards a clear, achievable goal in the short to middle term

The dishwasher is back in action

-Got the dishwasher working again, the dishes were overwhelming
-Trick was to get the right kind of dish-washing pod, pour liquid detergent at start, and not use cold water. I turned on the hot water tap at start, that helped!
-No point in doing heated drying because I'm never in a rush
-Don't need to overload the machine, doing multiple rounds is Just fine
-Saves me so much time!

Extra sick and tired with boring work

• It has been specially challenging to be useful at work lately
• That's not just me, everybody has been complaining
• Organizational morale at all-time low
• Just cannot make myself work
◦ Perhaps meditation& co. will make life easier
• Have complained a lot lately, feeling of being imprisoned

Maybe I'll take tomorrow off

• Felt guilty about not working during sick week
• Considered taking following monday off
• Needed rest and recovery
• Ended up working, it was fine

Need to get back to my fermentation projects

• Chhyang was overbrewed but still tastes good
• The viet sauce went bad
• Great times with Kombucha, but no new batch
• Lacking proper fermentation vessel
• Milk befir was too much work for separation
• Water Kefir fizzling out
• Fall is the perfect time, weather& motivation-wise
• Will start after place is cleaned up

The new shoes from Amazon and shit hiking one

-I bought unreasonably expensive camper shoes in NYC as I've written about before
-To 'make up' for it, I bought 3 pairs of much cheaper shoes for$ 40 each
-Two of them are quite nice and comfy, they have become my daily wears
-The third one is oversized despite ordering the right one. I wore it to the 13 mile hike and fucked up my ankle
-Will be returning the hiking shoe even though that was all I needed. The size is just too big for 7.

I should just do bullet points for most posts

-So many blog posts to be written on scribe
-Writing full-sentence posts in my blog is messing my writing up
-Plan is to therefore just write bullet points for posts now
-Won't have to needlessly pad words, writing wont get into bad habit
-Will be easier to read later, the connecting sentences are filler nonsense anyway
-Average word count will go down, an acceptable compromise
-write either 'good' full-length essays, or just bullet points, that's the plan
-Start with Scribe, continue with online posts

Delayed departure, teas, McD no tacos, parking issues, easy hike, amazing vista and swim, cold, Rudolf's pizza, late, rain [Sat 17]

-Didn't get enough sleep, plan was 6am departure, we left at 7. 30, I walked to PS's place
-Had a solid cup of herbal tea at PS, the secret of my performance?
-2hr45min drive, didn't stop at taco bell, at McD's, I got the breakfast burritos there; decent.
-Spent 20 minutes to figure out parking. the location was as good as it goes us. I mile away for some other people
-Hike wasn't specially hard, but very scenic. So many random tourists and thru-hikers in there. So many cuties too
-The water was beautiful, I spent 30 minutes in the lake after complaining and being teased. So freaking cold. The lake floor was extremely dangerous, nobody was confident!
-Back from hike we went to Leavenworth. After 1 hour of confusion on where to eat we walked to Rudolf's pizza. Review on that in the blog.
-2 large pizzas were too much for 7 adults! Yum!
-It started raining during our stay at the pizzeria and our drive back. So much thunder and lightning!
-Distracted the driver by talking about politics in America
-Home at 11. 50

di di lai saman, photos& gift, home cleaning, dinner sammy, late night work write, too much gaming [Fri 16]

-Was a lazy day at work, didn't do much, did clan the kitchen and do other home chores
-Cousin from Auburn came to pick her children's clothes, I wont have to go south now!
-Talked to ED for a bunch, got the gift package she sent, and the photos I'd ordered, started the photo-wall in part
-Made ezekiel and moz sandwich with eggplant spread from Tj's and Tofu... more to explore
-Went to work at 9PM, wrote a bunch, came home and walked up North in wee hours of night
-Played 5 or 6 games of A0E, it's getting to be a bit much, must stop at this point

Catching up on projects, office write, Tj trip, Oat lunch, corn dinner [Thu 15]

-Had fruits and oats, tea-biscuit for brunch
-Quick power nap and A0E gameplay in afternoon
-Bottled 13 bottles of chyang, started Rombucha, water Refir, and got milk Refir back, after so long!
-Went to the office, wrote a bunch to get caught up on scribe
-Went to Tj's for a decent shopping trip dinner was pop corn, cleaned up bottles and home more comfy
-Chill ax evening time, screen-free at home
-Should def read and write early morning and late at night to avoid sleep issues

150+ kindle-written posts incoming

 That is all. Lots of posts I wrote on Kindle because I don't like to work on my laptop anymore. Bye.

Lazy lunch and snacks, skipped dinner, long friendly call and help, NA hang at RGB, late night park walk [Wed 14]

-Had last batch of rice dad and eggs for lunch
-Talked to friend on the phone for hours, helping her settle and find a new place in NYC
-Smacked on chocolate and nuts a bunch, far too much
-Napped 2 hours at afternoon
-Met up NA to return keys at RGB, bought GB for both of us, awkward over sharing, 2 hour-Chilled, and invited for dinner 8 days later
-Back home wrote a bunch facking finally 'almost' caught up
-Went to walk to volunteer park super late night
-Weird dreams

Unmotivated work, art class, reverse eating, park, write [Mon 12[

-Super duper not motivated at work, did very little
-Met my new therapist, dunno what he does, maybe I'll change
-Went to art class, last one for quarter, drew lame self-portrait
-Had grains, dad, kimchi eggs for lunch, oats for dinner
-Wrote 2 dozen or so posts, almost 'caught up' by now
-Late night walk to volunteer park, lovely crunch and crumble

Relax and sleep, game, 3hr talk, nap, office, grain lunch, Chipotle dinner [Sun 11]

-Woke up at 7, slept again, up at 10.45
-Shower and ready, had grains, dat eggs, kimchi for lunch
-Played A0E and got ready to write on kindle. Napped-
-ED called, we talked for 3 hrs, writing plans shelved
-Walked to the office in the evening, had a double hot chocolate there, spent 30 mins there
-Walked home, dinner at chipotle, veggie bowl with no rice made lots of sense
-Home, little bit of relaxation, more walk to get 10k steps in, relatively early to bed. Took time to sleep.

Up early, taco bell lunch, hot Blanca walk, tired, Nepali-thali dinner [Sat 10]

-Got up early, chilled and got ready, we left far too late
-Hiking trip was the regular gang, so much traffic the 2hr trip took 4 hours
-We had breakfast at taco bell, the breakfast is fucking amazing-cheese, eggs and potatoes for $2 are heaven!
-12.10 when we started, far far too hot, all of us finished all the water half-way to Blanca lake
-Almost passed out of heat and dehydration, had to take it slow and easy
-Re-realization that I'm very very bad at dealing with awful heat, T-shirt was drenched with sweat
-Blanca lake was heavenly, glacier right there, the waterfalls too! Drank the water through life straw
-Boot oversized, had a bit of trouble walking back
-Evening chill was so much better to walk than day heat
-Other hikers were interesting, not the usual Seattle crowd, probably popular with East Washington crowd
-So tired on way back, napped a bunch, felt dirty
-Had Nepali that dinner at new Nepali restaurant Nepali& Indian kitchen at Aurora, it was a decent place to eat for Seattle
-Home so late, so so very tired!

Grain-dal breakfast, lazy day, coach, PS's, bbq dinner [Fri 9]

-Brunch was grain, dal, eggs, and bunch of spices
-Didn't do much at work or after, wrote just a few
-Supposed to walk, go to office, but just chilled instead
-Met up with behavioral coach online, it didn't go the way I desired so setup call with another coach for next week. Also setup therapist meeting& lab work later
-Nice long shower and walk to PS's for BBQ. Chilled with folks, talked local and national politics. Had egg salad, mushroom and carrots for dinner
-dropped home in car, far too late to do anything again, went to bed right away
-Didn't get to 10k steps because lazy

Oats at breakfast, grains and rice cooked lunch, writing, night walk [Thu 8]

-Oats and tea-biscuit for breakfast, as usual
-Cooked a bunch of grains as 'rice' 'and a yummy dad, had it for lunch, real cooking in long time
-Dozens of posts written here, energy going down
-Went for walk very late at night, video-chatted from the park with friend in the dark, at volunteer park

Out-tea breakfast, new face, volunteer walk, Triateggs, writing [Wed 7]

-Made oats with fruits, raisins, pb powder and the rest for breakfast, had it with tea and biscuit
-long talk with ED
-Several dozens posts written on the kindle
-Long shower and shave, '70s style-funny mustache
-Nice long walk with podcasts to volunteer park
-Trader joe's veggie biryane 'with fried eggs for dinner

TJ's groceries, volunteer park walk, hell a lotta writing, kindle [Tue 6]

-Had kimchi, tofu, and chickpeas with spices on oats for lunch
-Wrote 45+ posts on kindle, getting hang of routine, great
-Walked to volunteer park, meditation music, relax
-Shopped at trader joe's for groceries, basic supplies
-Unpacked shopping, veggie biryani from TJ's for dinner
-More writing and tv-watching in the evening

Savory oats with spices& tofu, art class, Scribe, gloomy feel [Mon 5]

- Brunch was savory oats with kimchi, tofu and chilly spices
- starting to title & doodle in kindle
-Conversation with coworker about working conditions, bad
-Drew portraits of classmates in the art class, less than the best energy level, felt a bit crappy about everything
-Started jotting and drawing, titling posts on Scribe

Standard breakfast, park walk, soup& bread, clean [Sun 4]

-had tea, oats and fruits with PB powder after long time
-Walked to volunteer park, relaxing, talked to friends, started talking to a new person
-Dinner was ezekiel bread and tomato soup
-Cleaned up the place a little bit, watched TV, A0E

Boston and illness

I was gone, in Boston for a week. After that I was seriously ill for a week. It's much better now, but that means yet again I'm playing catch-up. It's uncertain how I might feel about catching up on the 'lost' posts, but right now, I'm not feeling it. I'm ungrounded and all over the place, I gotta get my shit together, maaan!

Writing in general needs to be so much better, what I've been doing upto this point in this blog has been practice. Real game begins now.

REI meet, Target purchase, podcasts, Rondo, friends, cat [Sat 3]

-I listened to a bunch of lectures on the history of Shaiva practice in Kashmir in the morning. Downloaded a few of them to listen for rest of the day.
-Walked down to REI to meet BC and her partner, we talked for about 20 minutes and did a massive rapid catch up. Almost got driven to the airport with them
-Went to Target, bought a nice cheap fan and took the
train home
Chilled for a few hours, listened to lectures, went to Rondo Japanese kitchen in the evening
-Met 4 friends from college, got the vegetarian chiraisi rice bowl, caught up with everything we've been up to since
-Went to A. T's apartment. Have written about her place in several posts. So much technology, hobbyist stuff, so many cat technologies. Good stuff. Felt inspired
-Came home at ten, chilled for a bit, and bedtime

Cheese-tofu ezekiel sandwich, relaxed lazy home hang out [Fri 2]

- 'Twas a slow day, so very hot as my fan broke
-Head hurt, couldn't do much due to the heat wave
-Decided to buy fan at target the next day, felt really bad about not doing anything
-Brunch was cheese and tofu on ezekiel bread with onion and tomato. Dinner comprised of random snacks

Rapid recovery, tofu cheese sandwich, TJ's, park concert hang [Thu 1]

-After day of rest felt significantly better, worked too
-Two massive tofu-cheese sandwiches with onion and tomatoes on leftover sandwich roll
-Went to Trader Joe's in the evening to buy snacks
-Spent a few hours at volunteer park, watching Kalimba concert. Crowd didn't have the same energy level as the last year but still so fun. Danced at the mosh pit
-Hung out with A P and R and co, had snacks, chyang, took a few rounds of the park and walk home with AP

The new noise-cancelling headphone is fantastic

-I bought JBL 675 NC from costco because it was on sale, figured I'd get a modern device
-Has fantastic noise cancellation and sound reproduction, perfect for walks with ambient mode
-Good headphone with an earphone-touchscreen to control it would be the perfect device
-Ear hurts in the back after wearing for too long due to glasses but getting used to it

Too much taco bell before hiking equals terrible idea

-Went to Valhala lake for hike with friends the other day, 13 miles roundtrip
-More details on the hike elsewhere but I and a friend had full taco bell breakfast before
-Felt great at the time but too 'hearty'- didn't feel hungry for the rest of the day
-Heavy beans and rice before a long and hard hike might not be the best idea
-Better than an empty stomach anyway


I have 85 posts titled. Will I bandwrite them? (yes I handwrote them)

-Have titled 90 posts in my kindle scribe notebook, have written only five
-Goal is to 'cover up' for posts for late July and maybe late June
Don't want to use the computer to write... it's too distracting and not tactile enough
-Potentially too aggressive and ambitious but love the tactile experience of hand-writing
-Will be only 30 posts behind-those for August-if I make through
-Bullet points instead of full posts will be of great help to take me there