Congrats Lord Bezos you played me, aka amazon shopping bonanza

 SO I had to buy a couple of things three weeks ago and Lord Bezos of Amazon offered me a month of free Amazon Prime, which would otherwise have cost me 15 bucks. I happily took it. And since then I've done at least five hundred bucks worth of online shopping on his site, things I would have bought anyway but probably elsewhere and probably much later but to maximize everything i rushed buying it right away. Which means every week I get shipped several large cardboard boxes. It feels slightly embarrassing, feels like I'm a shopoholic, which I probably am by definition at this point. And the carton boxes are not easy to disassemble either which is why there's a massive pile of empty boxes next to my living room. They'll get disposed eventually, but I'm just shocked how much I've spent in the last month on online shopping, getting things mostly nobody never needs, and I didn't think specially I'd get but here we are, enriching Lord Bezos for the convenience....

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