Up in the morning, getting shit together, drive to Belldown, and then to Woodridge, yummy tacobell at Aberdeen, Tree of Life in West WA, THE PACIFIC, Camping fun[Sat 12]

 Got up early in the morning, showered packed, went to A's place to get some supplies for the camping trip. Too many things, waited forever for S to drive over, he had legitimate excuse though, since he was planning everything.

We drove over to Belltown, picked up the girls, and drove south to Woodridge where we caught up with the rest of the gang. Moved around bags and stuff, made sure everybody was comfortable, and agreed to meet straight at the campground.

Drove a fun fun drive, stopped at Aberdeen the town where I got tacobell for lunch, so did A. S got lunch at a chinese takeoutplace, pork fried rice that didn't have pork but he enjoyed it a lot regardless. We bought supplies at Safeway in Aberdeen, I stayed in the car and A bought things on my behalf.

Before reaching the campgrounds we went to the Tree of Life which is ...a tree...that I didn't find particularly appealing to look at but apparently it's a big deal. The weather was brutal cold windy and rainy and we were most certainly not prepared for it. We shivered back to the car, and headed to our cabin. Took us some time to find the cabin, and oh what an amazing experience it was.

Saw North Pacific for the first time, she's one angry lady I'd never want to mess with! Such huge waves, such turbulence!

We got one extra cabin since nobody else was around, set everything up. Drank and smoked up a bit. Cooked our food and at. Ab, who I met for the first time, had made an incredible marinade for meat as well a my vegan sausages, it was the best vegan sausage I've had in my life.

After lots of jokes, poking prodding and teasing we slept in our bags at 1/2 in the morning, the sleep wasn't very sound but the fun was.

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