House cleaning, aka one of those meta-posts

The complaints have gotten more frequent it's time for change. Maintaining a constant pace has been great for the last two/three years but I've forgotten the spirit of why I started writing here and been going by the letter. I maintain good averages, but those posts come in droughts and floods.

That will change from hereon. Which means I'll have to write from my cellphone. The posts might get shorter, even more so than they are right now, and the quality will definitely see a downward shift as if it was even possible. But the important thing will be I'll maintain proper discipline and writing hygiene and not be writing for the sake of it.

Also if I'm still doing four posts a day, one will be journal post per usual, one will be prompted fiction, one will be unprompted but prompted-genre fiction(likely) and the final will be 'non-fiction' observation piece. At least. The important part of all of this though is that they'll be written every day, and timeboxed so I don't get bored or too rushed. Timeboxing and writing the same day are important, and I'm returning to that.

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