Wakeup at belltown, relax and cleanup at home, farmer's market mushroom block and rice-beans, walk at arboretum, exhausted, cancelled dinner plans [Sun 27]

 Got up very tired and lacking in energy at Belltown. Tried to escape but people wouldn't let me, so I got all ready and snuck out. Walked at 7am it was so pleasant outside, I should do that more often.

At my place cleaned the kitchen, worked with kefir and chilled listening to music, finally by myself after what felt like years. Looked out of the window, watered the plants, and felt the pace of my pulse. One with the world.

And the As called me. The gang was coming over. They brought oranges at least. Had several rounds of teas with them. We planned on going to the farmer's market and then the arboretum. Aks(e) and Ar(y) went somewhere else, they were supposed to catch up with the rest of us, but due to a miscommunication we lost our parties. Ar(e) and I walked around the market, she brought blue oyster mushrooms and got seafood chowder, I got rice and beans because they ran out of pupusas.

After some minor conflict between parties, and one pickup and dropoff later, we drove to arboretum. Where it took us half an hour at least to find a parking spot. We found one just as we'd given up and decided to walk around Volunteer park instead.

It was a pleasant 1.5 hour walk, after which I was dropped home, we cancelled the dinner plans made because I was so very tired and Aks had abandoned us.

I ate oranges and kefir for dinner and that was it. By myself finally!

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