Leftover meal brunch with kimchi and kefir, gym and puck games, kefir tea hangout [Thu 3]

 For lunch I had the leftover meal from Kwanjai thai, added kimchi and kefir and it was yuum.

Wrote a bunch, went to the gym later in the afternoon. Workout was pretty intense. Played a few quick rounds of the puck game, Sb and I are getting really good at it! And the workout has been getting better too. Plus a couple of hits in the pool, I'm confident that I'm definitely improving. For example, the closer you put your base to the ball, the more accurate you'll be.

Later in the evening Sb came to my place, we hung out for a bit, he had the kefir chai that I made, he really seemed to enjoy it!

As always, went to bed super duper late. Man I gotta sleep quicker.

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