Final exam time

My first class of the certification course has its last session tomorrow. Post-tomorrow we get 9 days to work on the take-home final exam. I looked up the rubric for the exam, it's worth 100 points -- as much weight as the rest as the semester -- and it will take at least 10 hours or so. Basically five times the time for one single assignment. I just wish I'd studied through the semester so I wouldn't have to spend so much time figuring things out.

I don't have the nine days to complete the exam and get grades because I need to get the grades submitted before the 12th of December so I can get paid back for my class expenses. So it's going to be tight, I gotta ask the instructor to grade me earlier than everybody, after submitting way in advance, and then actually work way way beyond the deadline. It's going to keep me up through the night several days in a row, and I'll be too anxious and stressed to put the work in anyway. My biggest fear is the writings in this blog will be hindered due to the stupid exam too, and the walks as well. All without getting anything done. Ideally I'll have it done by the end of this week.

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