Writing, interlaken-volunteer walk, more failed experiments and lessons with noodles and rice paper rolls [Mon 28]

Disclaimer: I'm writing all of this in the last week of November, because I couldn't make the writing happen on time. It's okay, I got September done, and October gonna be done in a day. Then gotta start with all of November...at the end of the month. I'm nothing if not optimistic!

Wrote a bunch after work, went on interlaken-volunter walk. In terms of writing, I was going to be so close to being caught up. My walk ended right before my class began.

After the class ended I wanted to do another try with the rice paper rolls, so this time around I wet them less, but somehow the noodles got more moist. I put the noodles less compacted, and then tried to fry the rolls so it'd be a 'spring rolls' type texture. Also tried frying a bunch of rice paper rolls like the prawn crackers of the past.

So I overfried the rolls and they were burnt, far too moist in the inside, and not very yummy. I didn't have a good dipping sauce, I'm really missing Soy Sauce I tell you.

The bits that I tried frying turned out very uneven because one, the shapes were uneven, and two, the oil was shallow and not deep. As a result some parts were overfried and some undercooked. Then I tried salting it but was unable to do it evenly, so it was disgustingly salty chips that I ate anyway.

I kept the leftover fried rolls for the next morning and still enjoyed them, the third time's going to be the charm I think.

Things to do: use the tongs to flip them. Don't get the fillings too tight or too moist. Use skinny short noodles that are on the drier side. Get the oil very very hot before putting things in, and don't let them stay in oil for too long.

Lessons learned!

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