Ramen breakfast, I'm driven to PN's, trouble getting in, long chat with P, eventually in, watering plants, smoking up, setting up the plugs for hours, so much fast food [Mon 7]

Disclaimer: I'm writing all of this in the last week of November, because I couldn't make the writing happen on time. It's okay, I got September done, and October gonna be done in a day. Then gotta start with all of November...at the end of the month. I'm nothing if not optimistic!

Had ramen for breakfast, workday was usual.

After work, ED drove me to PN's place, because I'd promised them to water the plants, fix up some replanted things, and setup their smart plug.

Getting in took me some time, and I almost gave up because there was no easy way for entrance, but when I called P he responded and gave me exact instructions for entry.

Throughout this I was in constant chat with P.

I put his repotted plants in water, smoked up, ate a bunch of their snacks, and smoked up.  Which was a bad idea in retrospect because then I was planning to setup the smart plug. It was a stupid fucking situation took me more than three hours because the plug wouldn't update and not be able to connect to the internet. And I couldn't figure out why it wasn't updating. After lots of research it turned out that VPN and DNS settings on my phone had to be setup for the plug to be able to update. Which got updated and then started running, after a ridiculous amount of time, it was crazy.

In the evening I think I had pizza, don't remember where it came from, but pizza and juice dinner when high. And that thing I smoked, got me high real quick, shockingly quick!

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