20 things

  1. Three lesbians at a mexican bar in Seattle, drinking hard kombucha

  2. A recent political convert in Northern England who feels he's been on the wrong size of the political spectrum his entire life, and is a very zealous of the other side now.

  3. Rotten hill of avocado that wasn't transported due to the giant storm nobody predicted would get so big

  4. Unexpected rainfall in the desert, just nonstop blast of water from the skies

  5. Seventeen little pigs, don't ask me where they came from, but they were supposed to be transported to a farm, and invaded the forest instead. They scare even the mightiest of predators, it is said. Some consider them to be GM'd super-smart porkies.

  6. That book by one of your favorite comedians that got released recently.

  7. Cooking fishes whole, fishing rod into the cold water, catch a big one, fishing rod into the hot spring pool, to boil it, and eat it. There's a word for it, I don't remember and don't care to google.

  8. Some new kind of gadget they're wearing in China that people think is tracking people's thoughts but the truth is a lot more mundane.

  9. A military conspiracy against the Chinese government that could succeed if only it got indirect support of the regional governors but they can't seem to make up their minds.

  10. "Liquid gold" aka animal urine. Or human. Stupid, I know but that's what they call it.

  11. Hunger

  12. The feeling you get when you're about to sneeze after an itchy nose, but you don't and you feel like you're missing something the rest of the day.

  13. Giggling during a serious occasion, such as a funeral etc.

  14. The word 'coppula'

  15. Housing prices

  16. Complaining about expensive housing while actively hindering new construction

  17. emojis that could be interpreted as being extremely filthy, or not at all.

  18. Disappointment.

  19. Uranus (heh)

  20. Germs

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