"A can of hot dog"
"Sir can you say that again? Did you say a can of tomato?"
"No, I said a can of hot dog. Hawwt. dawwwg.. Like a sandwich thing you get in new york food carts you eat on bun with relish"
"Ahh eh hutt dugg, gottitt, sorry about that, didn't know they came in cans"
"I found out about it online and i'm trying to serve it to my guests for the party"
"Sounds interesting, can you give me the product number please and I'll be able to help you right away"
"Can you not use the search functionality"
"Uhh sir I can but in the past we've had issues doing that, we ended up sending products similar to but not exactly what the customers wanted and had to give refunds. So now unless we've verbally confirmed either the description and details of the item, or verified the product number of the item requested, we cannot have the transaction go through. Those are the rules sir"
"Okay, I don't know the product number, can you tell me how many search results come up, what the price range is, and read me like the top 10 results or whatever so I can get a sense of what the exact product I need is?"
"There are... let me see. 2 thousand three hundred 12 results, wow more than I'd have expected. The prices start at 2 dollars a can and go up to...hmm...these products are probably not related to the search term but...the prices can be as high as four hundred fifty dollars a can. Would you mind providing me with greater details on the product so I might be able to help you? Do you know the general price range of the product?"
"It should be...let me check...sixteen ninety-nine, yeah sixteen ninety-nine it is, and manufactured in Queens New York. It's got a yellow package with brown hotdog going around like a snake"
"Alright, let me apply the filters and I'll be right back with you, just a moment sir"
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