Jeezuss fuckin' christ, the world is a fucked up place

 It's terrible, awful, scary and I'm afraid, genuinely truly. I'm starting to think I made an awful mistake in thinking I'd be alright in giving up my privilege in this world and going along with the flow. Because it's an awful place and I'm maybe not properly trained and equipped to handle the evils of this world, and it's not even the people that are evil but their pathologies and their actions and the poor pathetic places they let themselves be in. The fact that some people will make it out sound with the skin of their teeth and pretend it was a wonderful learning experience and nothing bad could have come off of it, and hahahah I was just a fool worrying about everything and all the things, is so annoying and I cannot live with that anymore. We need to create a bulwark against this messed up situation, people need to be protected and given resources to keep themselves safe and healthy. It's wild. I'm fearful.

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