Sometimes the gods just like SMILE at me, go all GAGA and it feels really good but it's not to be counted upon

 Yeah if I'd made the title shorter, I'd use this platform as an opportunity to explain it, but this is exactly what the title says, sometimes i feel like a fucking king because all the things just align perfectly. And the thing about being a successful person is doing as many things as possible, setting up all the dominos you can so when they all align, you just need to put in a slight nudge, and bam, you've got the most beautiful domino-fall going on.


I was talking to this person last night, don't need to know who, and I came up with like conservatively fourty solid puns for their name. And maybe they're not the sort of person to appreciate puns or like disarming flirtations, but I was in no mood to be low-key so really they could publish a whole goddamn book just from all the puns I sent, I don't think there's literally any more puns left to be made out of their name. And I do hope it turns into something interesting and longer-lasting than whatever the penpalship we have right now is, but if not, I had my fun. So so much hahah, I ain't complaining.

And in a completely unrelated note -- that's the fuckedup but in a good way part -- there were two other people who will remain uninitialed because ugh...anyway, somehow we were having amaaazing conversations. And in one of those I was just like talking about poker and other crap don't remember what and they said, You're a smooth talker, you can get anyone TBH which would ABSOLUTELY break by heart if it was said by someone I was trying to smooth-talk my way into, but it was not, so it felt super good and I was like duhh I know gotta spread the news around so they know also, to which they were like, bet you haven't even tried, which sounds to me like an...insult, question mark, dunno if that's a, don't know what to make of certain things but the conversation was a fast one and within two lines we were rushing into other funners topics. And then I was talking to somebody about their wild (ongoing) journey through Europe. And asking somebody else if they'd date miley (apparently not wtf!?). Weird night, Weeeeird night. Was it the weed that made it so strange, and should I do it again?

Questions to consider.

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