Due Cucina, Capitol Hill: A review

We went to this place was because it was supposed to be serving food of decent quality at affordable prices. It is, after all a self-serve place.

I ordered an eggplant parmesan with a side of sour-bread and it was pretty great. Nothing else was particularly good. Our table of four ordered four entrees and a salad and I ended up paying eighty-five bucks. It is not a particularly affordable place, if I may say so. That there aren't other less-pricey Italian places around doesn't help the cause for this place particularly much. Besides, I ended up paying full tips so it wasn't like the lack of table service saved anybody anything.

So like if you're reallly aching or decent eat-in Italian food in Seattle, and don't want to go to the East Coast, or if you're hella drunk or whatever and need something to nosh on, this is maybe a good place to go. If you're expecting the height of Italian cuisine, it's time to reset your expectations. A similarly-priced Chinese food would be ten times better and twenty times more filling to me compared to this place. And I've reviewed a couple of those places right in Seattle.

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