Srv's birthday, at Sk's place, coldplay concert reservation, I lose at hand-wrestling, sugarload [Thu 9]

 In the evening plans were made. Apparently it was Srv's birthday so I walked to the waterfront, the brewery we'd planned on was closed, so I went to the other cider brewery. The regular gang, who I'd met after 3 weeks maybe was there, K paid for everybody's drinks. The young ones hadn't eaten anything, sigh, I have a lot to say on that and related matters but considering I don't have many friends or my people around I'll keep my trap shut even in my own blog. It's just... if you're not eating and making food in your hangs, you're not friends friends, proper, just people who happen to hang together because of the physical convenience, IMHO.

It's relevant and I bring this up because the gang wanted to go to a SoDo Chinese place after, I wanted to avoid that because one, I'd already eaten, two because they get very scattered on where they want to go when they're all out and about, and three, it's SoDo. So it worked out that we drove over to S's place, as always.

At S's place, regular hang, we got reservations to get in the line to buy Coldplay concert ticket. I didn't get to buy it, and even if I had, dunno who I'd have invited. Also the tickets were like four hundred bucks and still you had to be in the queue to buy, it's wild.

Since A was not around, I hand-wrestled with Pk and lost. But like barely. Didn't mean to win, wanted it to go on forever, it was one of those situations where it was easier to win than to maintain status quo, and I wanted to tire the opponent, which is not how it worked out.

Ate way wayyy too many donuts and cake from the birthday.

Went out, smoked a bit, made fun of P, and left for home, quite early, because I made plans with I and M to go to Olympics National Park the next morning and needed to get up early. In addition to having to get up on time for work.

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