Trip to Greenlake, gloomy day, dollartree, boating and low energy, back home and lotsa writing [Sun 12]

 Mom cooked tonne of rice, we chilled, I wrote a bunch. Took bus to Downtown, and then another bus to Greenlake park. The day was super cold and chilly, and it was unclear if things were going to clear up but by the time we got there things were fine.

We walked for a bit, did a nice picnic, I ate so so much, it was yummy and I was a little shy to do a picnic there but there were many other groups around us including a massive group of Indian people next to us. Because I hadn't had a lot for breakfast, my mood was super low and annoyed the entire day. It improved after the lunch, but not by much, which means that meal is the biggest modulator of my mood and I really really need to eat at regular times unless I want to be grumpy and depressed.

After the meal we walked a bit around the lake, and then went to the dollar tree. Bought like 20 bucks worth of items, nothing too exciting. Walked back, rested for a bit, and then rented the four-people paddle boat. I was the driver in the back who did the directions. We paddled around for an hour. My plan was to meet up I before she left and go to S's place, but she didn't come back from the airport after dropping M, so I didn't go, went with parents to back home. Chilled, wrote a lot, had nice dinner of roti, and to bed it was!

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