Jammin' with the buds

 Last weekend we were jammin' up and down AKS(e)'s apartment. There were drums (table), there were guitars, and there was background music playing. And I don't know if it was the half-puff of weed or the drink or two I had but maan I was feeling really good and thought my voice sounded amazing. It's a new feeling. Normally I hate my voice, it sounds too... raw and unmodulated. But not on this occasion, it sounded like the tortured voice of a jilted lover. So powerful, deep, loving. Felt good.

And then reality came crushing in. You can't just 'sing' and expect to become a singer. Your voice needs range, you need training, you need to sing the notes, you need to train to get the timing right. I got none of those. And a barely decent voice, perhaps that too is overselling myself. So it's not a real band and it was not a real jam, but we got so close. So goddamn. close.

Since AKS(y) was in a band in his college days, maybe we can start a band once again, and I could be a singer in it. And the composer for the song and music. Nobody would mind. Except perhaps our audience but fortunately Seattle is a tight market music-wise and nobody would be tehre to come watch us. Luckily for me.

More on the jamming situation as it develops...

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