Just type something man, anything you just gotta get the words out, yeh?

 This is exactly what the title says, I'm running on fumes on trying to finish the number of posts because man I need to get caught up with writing, and I know I've said many times I won't do it, and made the same rant but it's blocking me from doing anything else, and I just need to get the goddamn shit together and just throw some junk in there you know, don't even need too many words out there, maybe a hundred or two hundred words, about nothing in particular, whatever, and then I'm done. yeah I'm not improving my writing skills and yeah my goals of completing a novel in the foreseeable future are not int he horizon and they're most certainly not going to be helped by any of this bs, but there's going to be some good outcome of this bs right? Just writing out of your mind, making the fingers do the work -- heh heh heh it's funny right now because I'm watching Coupling in the background and they've recently made fingering jokes, which works out so well -- and you know get my shit together. Two hundred words, two fifty is not nothing, I used to write entire freaking essays back in the day, and they had three paragraphs and everything, the first was the intro, the second was the meat and potatoes and the final para was the conclusion. ic ould get so much for so few words and now I'm saying a whole load of nothing in all these words.

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