Some random thoughts about pumps and shit

Pumps are great. I have a couple of water pumps I bought to make indoor fountain that I haven't gotten around to working on. And an airpump to circulate air inside my ferments. Thinking of getting a peristaltic pump, so I don't need to manually pump my ferments in and out of containers. Peristaltic pumps are cool because they never touch the liquid/substance being pumped, which greatly expands their usecase. In cryo pumping situations, bodily functions (blood pumps, etc) and food uses. It's cool.

You can also have solid state pumps where there's only one piece moving, and it's doing a simple linear motion covered away from the pumped substance, so the possibility of failure is low. Also pumps need to be primed to start working, many large pumps have separate pumps that are used to prime them. And sometimes even those priming pumps have their own pumps. So you start by manually (or starting with a non-prime pump) priming a small pump, which then primes a larger pump and so on and so forth until you get to the largest pumps.

Pumps can work on various principles. There's the 'scoop' based pumps. Then there's peristaltic pumps. And then we have electrochemical pumps, there's even biological pumps!


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