Allergy season and the curse of the pollen

 I've written here about that day a couple of years ago when our entire apartment in Boston (Mefferd, yes) was feeling unwell for some unexplained reason, and we all slept to sleeping pills/allergy medications because we didn't know what was up. And the sleep was real sound. Turned out that the pollen count for the day was off the charts and low-key allergies had messed up everybody's moods.

I suspect that might be happening to me this week. In addition to the knee situation, yes because I don't feel too good, unexplained headaches and weird mood swings for no clear reason, feeling of general miasma. Not too good.

But the pollen are going to fuck up a a tonne of flowers and we're going to get an amazing bloom, that's something worth the weird feeling I've been having for the couple of days.

Things on the up and up!

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