Costco hot cider powder: A review

I didn't know what I was getting when I bought the hot cider powder from Costco a month ago, just thought it'd be fun to have a non-tea drink around for when I'm feeling a bit parched and want a fun thing. How my expectations from the drink have changed, oh, it's turned out into a stable of consumption -- I'm almost done with the 120 pack over a month and a half, an achievement that's worth great pride!

There's not much to say: unless you want to hold on to gallons and gallons of cider, and even if you want don't particularly like cider, this is a fun product to keep around the house in case guests who don't like tea come in, or you're in the mood for warm sweet drink that's not hot chocolate. It's a fruity, healthier alternative to sweet tea and soda.

To put it briefly, this is brilliant, I hope to be stocked up on the drink throughout the year, it's tasty, bit healthy and warms up the body. On the summers it's quite easy to ice it up and make it a chilled drink. Just get it, get as much as you can and enjoy!

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